Raw until 4 pm - problem sleeping


Apr 3, 2020
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  1. Vegan

I have been partially raw until 4PM and i am consuming high fruits.

Last night, i felt so sleepy but was able to fall asleep or stay asleep.

my body fell totally relaxed from the herbal tea and magnesium.

Can detox cause these issues?

I am on the medical medium protocol.


I don't believe that detox is real unless you mean that you are coming off of alcohol, drugs, or other prescriptions/chemicals. The closest thing you might have to detox when going vegan is clearing out your digestive system from meat that might be rotting there, or getting things moving properly if you had constipation from dairy. There is potential to clear heavy metals from your blood stream by eating a lot of cilantro, and this has been medically documented. However, I do not think you magically "detox" from a raw diet. I have a young vegan friend who obviously got botulism from canned beans, but she kept insisting it was because her system was so "pure" from usually eating raw. Uh...no. You don't get violently ill and feel like you're going to die from some salt and some cooked food, unless there was botulism in that can, which mysteriously gives you the exact same symptoms she described.

I'm sorry, this is where I stand on this issue. It's great that you're eating healthier but eating raw vegan or binging on fruit isn't necessary. If it works for you great, it does for a very small percentage of the population. Most of us do better with a mix of raw and cooked foods, especially since we evolved to absorb nutrients more efficiently from certain kinds of cooked foods.

My take is that you're either eating a lot more sugar than normal from fruit binges, or that you're actually not getting enough calories or fat. I know if I am hungry or fasting I have trouble getting to sleep.
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I have been partially raw until 4PM and i am consuming high fruits.

Last night, i felt so sleepy but was able to fall asleep or stay asleep.

my body fell totally relaxed from the herbal tea and magnesium.

Can detox cause these issues?

I am on the medical medium protocol.



Hi Sayeed, and welcome to the forum.

Please bear in mind that mainstream vegan organizations do not recommend fruit-centered vegan diets, nor completely raw vegan diets. Rather, for the past 40 years (at least) these groups have recommended a mixed diet of whole grains, legumes (beans and lentils), fruit, vegetables, and nuts/seeds: https://www.vegansociety.com/sites/default/files/uploads/downloads/The Vegan Eatwell Guide_2.pdf and Nutrition overview. I have followed such a diet for almost 30 years.

If you are still interested in a mostly raw vegan diet, a very well-researched book is Becoming Raw, by registered dietitians Brenda Davis and Vesanto Melina (available on Amazon). Both of these women have held university professor positions in nutrition/dietetics. Brenda Davis is a past chairperson of the Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group of the American Dietetic Association (the world's largest association of Registered Dietitians). Vesanto Melina is a co-author of the American Dietetics Association's Position Paper on Vegetarian Diets. Both have been vegetarian/vegan for 30+ years.

The creator of the "Raw Til 4" diet, Leanne "Freelee" Ratcliffe, is beautiful and charismatic. However, her health claims should be viewed with caution. In one of her YouTube videos, Freelee claimed that a woman's menstrual period is a sign of poor health - that a menstrual period is "toxins leaving the body". She also discourages people from eating cooked beans and lentils, which are very good sources of plant protein, iron, and folate.
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