Just lurking around in threads here and I get the idea that some "vegans" here see it as a competition... Calling users not real vegans because of one or two products they are unable to replace, or were forced to consume animal products in specific situations... I've also seen people on social media literally bashing themselves because they had to pick the vegetarian option for once (as there was nothing vegan) like those people hate themselves for eating vegetarian once, when yeah it's not vegan but you still picked the option where no animals died... You could've eaten a steak as well but you didn't *applause*
Or vegans straight up accusing vegetarians of animal exploitation, like...
We are all doing our best to make this world a bit more animal friendly, all of us. Even those who don't do it for the animals are a big help.
So what if you're "only" 95% vegan? Like unable to replace a few products due to health or financial reasons. I consider you vegan if you never eat meat, no other animal products (at least actively try to, one mistake at a restaurant doesn't make you evil) try to replace as many daily products (cleaning products, cosmetica etc) with vegan options as far as you're able to. Not wearing leather or fur (wool I think is fine personally, but only if the sheep are treated right and shaved carefully)
I won't call anyone fake vegan if they use non-vegan shampoo, if the reason is lack of money or allergies. I personally shower vegan now but Idk 100% sure if my deodorant is vegan, I think it is tho but yeah not gonna switch either way as I spent years trying to find one I'm not allergic to... Now I finally found one and yeah I really need it, I sweat a lot at work and that's gross.
No one can be 100% vegan, and that's okay, all of us are helping in our own way. The closer to 100% the better, but lets not shame people for being unable to reach perfection when they do their best, just like you do. And if I see anyone shaming people for using non-vegan meds, I will fight you, that's not okay, no one should have to risk their health...
Or vegans straight up accusing vegetarians of animal exploitation, like...
We are all doing our best to make this world a bit more animal friendly, all of us. Even those who don't do it for the animals are a big help.
So what if you're "only" 95% vegan? Like unable to replace a few products due to health or financial reasons. I consider you vegan if you never eat meat, no other animal products (at least actively try to, one mistake at a restaurant doesn't make you evil) try to replace as many daily products (cleaning products, cosmetica etc) with vegan options as far as you're able to. Not wearing leather or fur (wool I think is fine personally, but only if the sheep are treated right and shaved carefully)
I won't call anyone fake vegan if they use non-vegan shampoo, if the reason is lack of money or allergies. I personally shower vegan now but Idk 100% sure if my deodorant is vegan, I think it is tho but yeah not gonna switch either way as I spent years trying to find one I'm not allergic to... Now I finally found one and yeah I really need it, I sweat a lot at work and that's gross.
No one can be 100% vegan, and that's okay, all of us are helping in our own way. The closer to 100% the better, but lets not shame people for being unable to reach perfection when they do their best, just like you do. And if I see anyone shaming people for using non-vegan meds, I will fight you, that's not okay, no one should have to risk their health...