US Next Vice President

If Hillary Clinton is the nominee, she'll probably choose a Latino.
According to my father JFK didn't get along with Johnson and he still picked him. No idea if they're even allowed three straight terms personally.

It has nothing to do with "getting along with each other". Hillary would not want someone associated with Obama, to emphasize her own individuality. She'd want someone younger than Biden to appeal to younger voters. And like Spang said, she might choose a Latino to appeal to very important Latino voters. And one other thing, I doubt Biden himself is interested in being her running mate. Honestly, I think the assumption that he'd be Hillary Clinton's running mate is rather silly.
It isn't a matter of whether HRC and Biden get along or not (and AFAIK, they do). The candidate chooses a VP candidate who adds something significant to the slate (i.e., will likely pull a block of voters who would not otherwise vote for the candidate).

JFK chose Johnson because he needed Texas's Electoral College votes if he was to have a chance at winning, and because LBJ brought along a significant number of votes that JFK couldn't otherwise pull, as well as uniting a significantly divided Democratic party.

Biden (much as I like him) doesn't add anything to Clinton's ticket - it would just be two relatively old white people. She's almost guaranteed to pick a Hispanic male, and one who is significantly younger than she. She won't pick a woman, because too many people are nervous about one woman, let alone two, on the ticket.

If Biden were to run and get the nomination, he would likely either pick a female VP or a Hispanic who is younger than he is.

I doubt that either would pick an African American running mate because (a) they will have the African American vote pretty much tied up anyway, and (b) too many people would have palpitations about another potential African American President so soon after the first one.
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If anyone can give names that would be appreciated. It's easy to criticize someone's predictions when you're not making your own.
Well, you DID ask for our thoughts. We gave them.

That being said, the Castro twins are up and comers, and Julian Castro may well be on HRC's short list.
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I'd like to see Dennis Kucinich there, but I guess the American voters don't like him as much as I do.
As for Bush, I thought he had the latino vote covered through his marriage? (Assuming this Rubio fellow who was suggested in the OP is latino - the name sounds vaguely latino, anyway. Edit: ah yes, it says he's of Cuban ancestry.)