Life’s little disappointments


Forum Legend
Aug 12, 2017
Reaction score
  1. Vegan
What are the current little niggling upsets in your life?

Mine are that after being on the forum for over a month and having made 25 posts no one has yet asked me what those red fruits are in my avatar nor why I chose them to represent me.
Hey Roger.

We're still rather small unfortunately!

Your profile photo looks like a lot of tiny tangerines...
What are the current little niggling upsets in your life?

Mine are that after being on the forum for over a month and having made 25 posts no one has yet asked me what those red fruits are in my avatar nor why I chose them to represent me.

Yorkshire berries? :)
Yorkshire berries? :)

Very clever! And very, very close. They are, in fact, rowan berries which grow in profusion in some of the wilder parts of Yorkshire!

A slice of toast may cry out for Marmite but bread needs jam.

My favourite preserve above all others is rowan jelly. Mrs. Beeton’s recipe calls for three pounds of rowans and three of apples but very little of the rowan flesh actually ends up in the jam jar. Consequently Mrs. Beeton describes it as apple and rowan jelly. The rowans are there to add the very distinctive bitter tang that distinguishes its uniqueness. It is one of my great pleasures.

You seem to have put a lot of unrequited thought into your avatar. Sorry the community didn't respond as you had hoped. We'll try harder in the future Rog. Stiff upper lip and that rot. :)
Hi Damo,

You’ve changed your intriguing avatar!

Your artistry knows no bounds. What’s next? Maybe shadows on a strawberry bed? Or a moonlight shadow on freshly fallen snow? :)

Haha, hey Roger!

Thank you, I'm not a photographer though I do like to play around with my phone camera when I'm wandering around. I don't think I have anything else in my library that I'd call "artistic" I'll be sure to change my profile picture once I've taken more. :relieved:
Hi Paolalormar and welcome,

Out of curiosity I followed your link and this is a slightly edited version of what jumped off the screen and struck me in the face with full force.

“All the wrinkles on the model’s face mysteriously disappear, colors change and the picture is breathing. I want to get the model out of the magazine and to get acquainted. It is a pity that when you see her in real life this desire is often lost.”

Sexist or what!

Shame, shame, shame on the people who express such views. And shame on the rest of us if we do not challenge them.

I must be living in a bubble. I had hoped that the days were gone when men, with impunity, could look upon women as just objects for their gratification.

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Hi Paolalormar and welcome,

Out of curiosity I followed your link and this is a slightly edited version of what jumped off the screen and struck me in the face with full force.

“All the wrinkles on the model’s face mysteriously disappear, colors change and the picture is breathing. I want to get the model out of the magazine and to get acquainted. It is a pity that when you see her in real life this desire is often lost.”

Sexist or what!

Shame, shame, shame on the people who express such views. And shame on the rest of us if we do not challenge them.

I must be living in a bubble. I had hoped that the days were gone when men, with impunity, could look upon women as just objects for their gratification.


I would suggest that in certain circles men are being held to similar standards of health and beauty. Jared Leto is a Hollywood example, Onision is a YouTube example (he wears make-up and being beautiful or stylish is clearly part of his schtick when he isn't just trying to be funny or weird) ....we are seeing a world where men are being held to higher standards, which I honestly argue is good. NOT FOR PHOTOSHOP (by the way) but for just basic health and appearance, particularly since women now can be high wage earners, shouldn't men put similar effort into health or style? I don't like the Photoshop ******** across the board - male or female - because it gives everyone unrealistic, unhealthy expectations. But holding men to women's standards of health or style is fine with me. I am anti-objectification by principle, but I am cool with a new equity in everyone taking care of themselves or thinking about what their partner finds attractive.
Hi, Roger!
Thank you for answer! I respect you for your opinion. I have something to think about!