Is methane misunderstood?


Oct 19, 2019
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Southern California
There's this issue that's been bothering me for quite some time:

The US has a population of 95 million cows that release enormous amounts of methane. However, several hundred years ago there was a population of between 30 to 60 million bison in America that produced just as much methane per animal.

Maybe it's telling us the whole methane argument is a lot more complicated than we think. I have some ideas why this is, but what do you guys think?
If the US relied on those cows, and didnt cut down hectares of forests in other lands that never had bison, I could see the argument. Uruguay for instance has more cows than people (12 million cows in a land that used to be dense forest with 0 bison)
Hard to find data on all of south america, but it is a good start.