Currently, it costs JUST approximately 20 cents to produce one vegan egg and with its new facility, the company plans to bring that cost down to 4.7 cents per egg in the next two years.
The first line of the article is, "California-based food tech brand JUST can now produce enough protein for 1.5 million vegan eggs in six days at its new factory."
By using the word "can" one might believe they are actually doing it, or it could mean will be doing it.
In the article I linked below I saw, " that it is acquiring the Del Dee processing plant at year’s end." which would also lead a person to believe it isn't happening yet.
But reading between the lines and just doing some deducing, I think the plant is up and running and producing an ingredient for Just eggs. The article below states that " The facility has gone from 17 employees to 41 in the past year due to an increased demand by JUST for processing."
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