I'm here and I'm sticky!


Jul 17, 2013
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Hi, I have no idea how to introduce myself....but I'm here :) I'm 39 and a vegetarian...ovo-lacto - for about 17 years. My partner and two kids are vegetarian also. I find myself in need of a place where I feel at home and where I can just be myself. I'm hoping this place is going to feel like home :)
Welcome! :) It's so nice to have a vegetarian family, when I lived at home we were all vegetarians, lucky you!
:welcome: Stickytoffee. How lucky you are to live with vegetarians ! You've got me craving one of my favourite sweets - dairy toffee !
Thank you for the lovely welcomes! :)

It does make it a lot easier that the whole family is vegetarian for sure. None of the extended family is, but after 17 years they are very good at always providing vegetarian food when we visit. My parental units are great and go to great lengths to make sure we have many food options, they never cook meat when we're in their house although I have never said they shouldn't, it's their house after all. My not-so-husband's side keep us in mind, but they'll still cook whatever they want and eat whatever they want and they don't yet understand why going to a family barbecue (I am part way through the Post Something Cool from the Internet thread, let's not even start on whether I really mean barbecue, grill or something else entirely :p) where the air is heavy with the stench of charred flesh is less than appealing. But that's okay, when we're home we are in our own little bubble of vegetarianess!
Welcome Stickytoffee! :wave: Kick up your feet and make yourself at home here. Thank you for joining our community.