'If there was any connection between meat eating and cancer we would know '

Anyway the upshot is..I have suggested a further meeting to iron this out and work out how to rehash the invitation form. The person who designed it is now in juvenile sulk mode:sob: and refuses to do it again as she does not know what all the fuss is about.

But while she sucks on her dummy:lala: we are holding an 'extraordinary meeting' of the committee next week .
Keep you posted!

So..more in keeping with a kindergarten than a professional work place I have arrived in the unit today to be met with a wall of silence. No talk of a meeting, or any talking at all to be honest!

My usual cup of coffee on arrival is conspicious by its absence and I have not had one greeting or smile all morning.

Being in a not altogether 'sunny ' frame of mind myself today I have chosen to ignore it and shut myself in my office, not trusting myself to tactful if I do speak.

How very juvenile and disappointing. Still.. after last week I do not know why I expected any less
That's not nice. Seems like someone already had a meeting ...! I'm not sure what I would have done if I were in your shoes. Maybe at least ask someone responsible when the meeting is taking place, but it might not be helpful to pursue it further with this crowd if they've all decided to sabotage it.
I'm not sure what I would have done if I were in your shoes.

There is a plan 'B' in place.

That being for Chovie to 'sell' the benefits of 'all minorities catered for' catering to her highly anxious to be seen to cater for all minorities employer.

That should be as hard as selling a life jacket to a drowning man, to be honest.

Subplan B is more cunning though ...

That being for Chovie to get the whingeing omnis to sniff the bait of kudos for whomever takes the 'all minorities catered for' theme and runs with it.

If it all comes together then the whingeing omnis should end up fighting amongst themselves over who's brilliant idea all inclusive catering was in the first place.

The funny side of this ...

If you ever sneak decent vegan food into an omni buffet you can bet big money it'll all be snaffled up by the omnis within a matter of minutes of them spotting something 'different'.
The funny side of this ...

If you ever sneak decent vegan food into an omni buffet you can bet big money it'll all be snaffled up by the omnis within a matter of minutes of them spotting something 'different'.

Yep.. at a Guy Fawkes BBQ I attended a lone Vegan had cooked a vegetable pie which she promised I could share, as we headed to the kitchen we found a line of diners already gobbling up the pie and I had to fight for a portion despite the elaborate display of meat on the BBQ.

AND ..at my friends summer party year on year my Vegan vegetable curry and spicy rice is a sell out and raved over while the wilted sandwiches and sausage rolls are completely ignored!!!

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