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There are two types of belly fat. Subcutaneous fat and Visceral fat. Subcutaneousis is what you feel when you pinch the skin around your middle. Visceral fat is fat around your organs.
Subcutaneous belly fat is no more stubborn than any other fat. However fat follows the rule of thumb - first on, last off. Men gain fat around their middles first so it's the last to come off. Women tend to put their fat on their thighs and butts first.
Visceral fat is even harder to get rid of. It's also really important to get rid of it because it is linked to serious health issues. Men's beer bellies are mostly visceral fat. The only thing you can do is to reduce your body weight.
It takes a long time for visceral fat to build up. and it takes just as long for it to come off.
Fortunately losing weight on a vegan diet. is no harder than on an omni diet. In fact, it might even be easier.
There are many vegan diet plans and strategies. I really liked the one outlined in the book Eat To Live by Joel Fuhrman. He has a 6 week plan that includes an "aggressive" calorie deficit. The plan is very regimented but for a lot of people who need to lose weight a regimented plan is exactly what they need. As an added benefit you will learn about many ways to eat healthy on a vegan diet.
Here at the Vegan Forum, a lot of us are "disciples" of Micael Gregar and his books How Not to Die and How Not To Diet. I've only read the How Not To Die book. I can't remember if it has a meal plan or not.
One of the things that I recommend to almost all vegans, whether or not they they are trying to lose weight is CronOmeter. it's even more important if you are dieting. the CRON in CronOmeter stands for Calorie Reduction - Optimal Nutrition. Open an account - the basic plan is free. It has a bit of a learning curve but you can shoot me up with any questions.
until you have gotten and read one of those books, you might be tempted to google "vegan wight loss plan". There are like a zillion on the internet. There are probably as many good ones as there are bad ones. So be careful. I wish I could recommend one to you.
The other component is exercise. They say that when it comes to weight loss it's 75%. diet and 25% exercise. But no matter what exercise is an important component. Even when you are not dieting some exercise is not only important for your general health, but you almost need to burn calories so you can eat for optimum nutrition - and not gain weight.
Ninety minutes of moderate exercise or 40 minutes of vigorous exercise a day is the recommendation.
There is some evidence that visceral fat responds better to longer times and less intense workouts than shorter more intensive workouts. There is also some evidence that visceral fat responds best to workouts before you have eaten (something about glucose levels). So if you can do it - go for a long walk first thing in the morning.