Hi, I am new


Mar 12, 2017
Reaction score
Hi Guys,

I am new here. I am going vegetarian for a while to see if I can lose some weight and also improve my health (I have a lot going wrong in that department). I might stay with it long term if I find out I feel much better with it. I am not an activist or doing it for the animals. I am just not feeling too good and also overweight so I thought it is worth a try. I hope people like me are welcome.
Hi, Cebo! We welcome vegetarians and vegans and anyone striving to become one. Nice to have you here. :)
Welcome! I think if you want to lose weight, wholefoods (whole-wheat pasta and bread, brown rice, dishes with beans and lentils etc) and watching your calorie intake are the way to go. Avoid unhealthy snacks between meals.
:) and welcome Cebo......keep us updated how it goes