Has anybody here already heard about Electric Unicycles???


Little green mod
Staff member
Dec 20, 2014
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Hannover, Germany
  1. Vegan
Recently, when I was in Shanghai, I observed a passenger on the underground carrying a strange bulky thing that looked like a small bicycle wheel covered with plastic, with something that looked like two foot pedals at the bottom.

My interest turned to utter astonishment when he folded out the foot pedals, put the thing on the ground, stepped on it and wheeled away on it ...

So, all of you who are also nerdy enough to secretly wish for a hoverboard, have an interest in eco-friendly mobility and don't know how to manage that last mile from the underground station to your job ... take a look at this:

A wheelie cool way to get to work – if only it were legal

This would be the "badass" version, but a tad more expensive....

The one-wheeled electric scooter that's a cross between a Segway and a unicycle - and it's apparently impossible to fall off

Needless to say ... I want one :D

Best regards,
That actually looks kinda cool. Nerdy, but cool.

I think the company could sell a lot of these if it was featured in a big studio movie, perhaps an action/adventure movie set in, say, Paris, where the hero steals something (secret documents or stolen diamonds, maybe) from the villain and then zips away on this thing, disappearing behind the Eiffel Tower. I can totally see that happening.
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I used to be able to roller skate when I was a kid but I would never have the balance for something like that now. That's one way to die, falling off it into traffic.:p
Yeah, using it on the road between the cars would possibly not be the greatest idea....
I kind of like the Segway, I've ridden them a few times, but that's as far as I go. I wouldn't ride anything on the road, and I can't see being able to unicycle balance, lol!
I have also tried out a segway once, very nice, but huge!
These smaller unicycles you can carry in your hand when using the underground.
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My mom's been asking me what I want for Christmas for awhile now....
*Has idea* hueheuehue..
The University I'm thinking about has buildings up to miles apart, I can see where one of these would be really useful, actually. :p Then I can just ride past all the poor students walking and be like, "They see me rollin', they hatin'!"
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Having reached an age where falling hurts worse than earlier in life, and having incurred multiple fractures in both wrists as a result of falls, these pictures produced a "Danger, danger, Will Robinson" refrain in my head.
Yes, I agree with that ^^.

On a large campus nearby, lots of students use those longboard skateboards, not electric, but they seem to go fast without much effort. I tried one just for a minute, and it was pretty easy to use, but I would not trust myself to use it to zip around. Do not want to fall.
Yes, they are certainly not without dangers.

Most likely an electric "kickboard" like those that were quite fashionable some years ago for getting around town a bit quicker than on foot might be a good alternative.

Preferably collapsible, so that you can take it on the underground, but with a small battery and an electric motor...

Like this one, L-Trott (French)


Best regards,
I've seen people using those ones. I've never seen a Segway, apart from on American TV shows.
I went Segwaying, it was amazing! they do them at most Go Apes, I did it in Bracknell. It's quite hard to move as you have to lean forward on your feet to move forward and back on your heels to stop - takes a while to master. I felt safe doing it around a forest (though my sister fell off a few times and crashed into a tree) but not on a main road. When I was in Prague they did segway tours and you werre constantly leaping out the way of terrified looking Japanese tourists on them haha. If i can barely master a way to control a segway I'm doomed on something with no handles.
The RYNO weighs 57 kg = 125 pounds. That seems way too heavy to carry onto and off of a bus or train.
Yes, the Ryno is not exactly the thing you carry under your arm when you take the subway....

I'd say it's the American way, the Humvee of electric unicycles... :D

Still ... I don't see how you do an emergency braking maneuvre on that one if a hapless pedestrian jumps on the road in front of you. On a motorcycle, you can definitely do that, but on this one?
I have now seen in Germany on the road electric unicycles with license plates, which suggests that they are road legal.
This surprised me a bit, as I still can not figure out how an emergency braking manouvre on such a vehicle could look like (other than planting your face in the tarmac, which does not seem healrhy).

There are now a lot of electric scooters available in Europe that can be licensed as small mopeds (requires brakes, lighting&indicators, mirror, horn, and a maximum speed of below 45 km/h AND a so-called "EEC certificate of conformity") and ridden on the road.

EvoMotion EvoKing electric scooter EVO Scooters