Hard time making friends

Yeah, a female cook who was mad about it too (as her mother is vegan due to allergy issues but not animal) because like you said, someone could get really sick and then sue because of this whole thing. And she told the boss about it. And she had the title changed from vegan to non vegetarian. And I have no idea if he was even written up. But apparently it's very difficult to get fired from my work. Which I have been told.

Apparently a girl who worked there before me got fired... But not until THE SECOND TIME SHE SHOWED UP TO WORK DRUNK. The second time. Not the first. And everyone at my work who works in the cafe apparently know this and how her being fired didn't happen til the second time of it happening. Wow.

Sorry for complaining so much. I don't normally rant like this. 0_0
I work at a hospital. :(

I do have two vegan/vegetarian friends who are older than me, but one lives a bit far away from me now and then the other one, I dont want to bother all the time.

Well, now you have a whole bunch of vegetarian/vegan friends! Boards like this are great for when you feel a bit isolated in that regard.

Sorry that you've had so many bad experiences, though :(
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:hug: That was a huge violation in truth in advertising. Some people have severe fish allergies, like anaphylactic shock. Horrible.
I work in a nursing home kitchen, I just passed my DTR exam. The management buys food for special occasions and I can't really eat much of it either. It is a lot of meat.
Good luck! People can be so rude.
Thank you guys so much!!! I live in WA btw.

And yes it sucks very much. And the thing is is that I am always polite to others and am not rude to others by their meat eating choices. And never have been. But most people always disrespect me and I am not even trying to victimize myself and over exaggerate.

That one girl about the transgender thing kept laughing and laughing at me for being vegan. Someone told me I should go to HR about it. So maybe I should. But it's just annoying to always have to deal with such things.
I forgot to mention about that transgender comment.... I thought it was offensive not only because it was anti-animal in sentiment, but also anti-transgender. I don't think I made that clear. But it was really strange for your co-worker to even make such a connection.

A guy at my work gives me crap basically every time I see him. Another guy will tell me how my pet bunny would be good in a stew and he would always say that to me and it always offended me greatly, so finally after many times of him insulting me, I finally fought back this one time he insulted me and told him how his children would be good as a stew as well and finally he has shut up. Not the first time. But when he did it again after that I said the same thing and he has finally shut up. I think I made him angry but pets are the same as children and she is my child. Even if people don't see it that way, they still are. Oh well.
I wanted to say the same to this older lady at my work because she told me how she would just make bunny stew instead of bringing a bunny to a vet. Because I was talking how I took mine to one. And she was serious. I was so insulted. So I had wanted to say something like that to her (like I said to that guy) after she said that, like when shed bring up her grandchildren etc, but I didn't want to get in trouble. Plus she is a mean lady anyway. And unfortunately, I probably would get in trouble and it's not worth it.
About the guy who said your pet rabbit would be tasty to eat: I generally don't equate companion animals with children, mostly because I've seen a few animals behave just as badly as humans.... but... sometimes people are just so incapable of caring about animals at all, you just want to say whatever will make them see how you feel. And since they only care about human beings, phrasing it in those terms seems like the only way to get through to them.

And the woman who wouldn't bother taking a rabbit to the vet... she had the same mindset, I suppose. I've seen this attitude before: it's the opposite of that line in "Finding Nemo": "(Almost All) Animals Are Food, Not Friends!" NOT SO. I've adopted 3 rabbits from my local shelter over the years; they're gone now. Hans, a mini-Rex, used to groom my scalp with his little tongue when I got down on the floor with him, then I'd groom him with my hands while he and Franz (a Dutch dwarf) groomed each other. Just today I was telling someone how he would start nibbling my toenails if he saw me with fruit or a vegetable, he wanted some of it, and I was too slow sharing it with him when he started hopping around my feet. He never hurt me but it got my attention. (Mostly I worried about stepping on him if I wasn't careful.)
It is astounding how immature adult human beings can be. :rolleyes:

Here are a few things I would recommend - first, always have your own food. Keep bars, fruit, nuts, pb&js - whatever you like in convenient places - like your car, purse or desk. If you can't trust the people in the cafe, then don't eat the food. But do consider providing them with some vegan recipes for popular foods - like chili, mac & "cheese" and "tuna" salad. Then order a few pamphlets from Peta or Vegan Outreach to offer to people who don't understand what it really means to be vegan. One of my favorites is VO's "Even if you like Meat". And finally, don't back down and don't get upset. It's pretty obvious you need to be the adult here. But the people who give you a hard time now will come to admire your personal strength and convictions with time, I promise. It takes a while for everyone to get used to the idea, but they will. And you'll learn what responses work best when you're confronted with stupidity. :)