Efforts to curb climate change is hampered by meat & dairy

Second Summer

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Apr 26, 2012
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Oxfordshire, UK
  1. Vegan
Efforts to curb climate change is hampered by meat & dairy blind spot

An "awareness gap" about emissions from livestock could hamper efforts to curb climate change, a report warns.

A survey showed that twice as many respondents thought emissions from transport were greater than from the global livestock sector.

Yet emissions from the two sectors are almost equal, the study explained.

It added that the goal of keeping the global temperature rise below 2C (3.6F) would be "off the table" unless there was a change in consumption patterns.
Full article: BBC News - Growing appetite for meat 'risks climate targets' (3 December 2014)

This report is produced by the international affairs think-tank Chatham House.
I think I can see the most probable omni-solution to this problem ..

All we need is some air tight cow's *** sized grommets, a length of hose and some very large industrial strength balloons.

Methane being lighter than air, once the balloons are full enough we should have both prevented global warming and have vertically stackable cows.

It might be a good idea to tie the cows together, daisy chain style, first though. We don't want to be replacing the problem of cows causing global warming with the problem of cows getting sucked into the engines of low flying planes.
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The first step that governments can take is to stop the subsidies for meat and dairy production. When this sector has been identified by the IPCC as the single biggest contributor of greenhouse gas emissions, then governments have a moral responsibility to at least not encourage these industries.

The next step could be taxation on products proportional to their climate change contributions.
The next step could be taxation on products proportional to their climate change contributions.

I think just eliminating the subsidy chain would do the job.

That and make the dairy farmers milk their cows in the dark. I'm fed up with changing my clocks backwards and forwards just to accommodate those "Oi bain't using narn of those new fangled electrickery loight bulbs on moi farm, boy" Luddite twats.
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All this talk by Biden about electric vehicles has reminded me that everyone is ignoring animal agriculture

  • Animal agriculture produces 65% of the world's nitrous oxide emissions which has a global warming impact 296 times greater than carbon dioxide.
  • Raising livestock for human consumption generates nearly 15% of total global greenhouse gas emissions, which is greater than all the transportation emissions combined.

I am reminded of a segment in a documentary, (maybe it was Before The Flood) where they said that diet was the low hanging fruit in the climate change solution.
All this talk by Biden about electric vehicles has reminded me that everyone is ignoring animal agriculture

speaking of electric vehicles - I heard a podcast and also saw a youtube video, just yesterday, on the extra pollution and noxious rubber crumbs and tires themselves that are far worse for the environment than gas powered vehicles - the batteries in the EVs are so heavy that it adds extra weight of 300-1000 lbs (depending on the vehicle) and that wears the tires out faster and also because they accelerate faster that also shreds the tires - so the tires have also to be replaced more often than in gas powered

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend. www.spiritualmatchmaking.com
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speaking of electric vehicles - I heard a podcast and also saw a youtube video, just yesterday, on the extra pollution and noxious rubber crumbs and tires themselves that are far worse for the environment than gas powered vehicles - the batteries in the EVs are so heavy that it adds extra weight of 300-1000 lbs (depending on the vehicle) and that wears the tires out faster and also because they accelerate faster that also shreds the tires - so the tires have also to be replaced more often than in gas powered

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend. www.spiritualmatchmaking.com
I would need to research this as there is so much nonsense on the internet. I have been on both fully electric and hybrid busses here in Sweden and they actually feel lighter when they are moving. Thinking about how long it takes for tyres to wear out and how long it takes for a number of gallons of fuel to burn, I can't help thinking the creators have maybe been somewhat creative with the facts.
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Reich-wingers are already lying their pants off about how electric cars are supposedly worse for the environment than gas cars, what do you think they will do if a majority of people starts to question animal products?

(not to mention that even now, the largest part even of environmentally motivated people are still carnists)
Reich-wingers are already lying their pants off about how electric cars are supposedly worse for the environment than gas cars, what do you think they will do if a majority of people starts to question animal products?
For the most part we already know.

Back in 2019, AOC and Markey promoted a very ambitious legislature package called The Green New Deal. One aspect to the Green new deal was to reduce the subsidies paid for monoculture and CAFOs.

The conservative rights attacked the green new deal and the parts of it that made animal agriculture less profitable. On Fox News the rallying cry became, "AOC is coming for our hamburgers"!

I just looked and I can't find any claims of how much a hamburger would cost under the GND. Although I'm sure someone has actually figured it out. But the GND did not Ban hamburgers which is what the conversatives said. it would however inevitablty increase the price of beef.

Biden has enacted some parts of the GND but has actually increased farm subsidies. Mostly in response to contend with the world wide grain shortages that resulted when Russia invaded Ukraine.
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