Animal Advocacy Effective information delivery: Asking NOT telling ...

Clueless Git

Plant powered
Feb 17, 2013
Reaction score
Milton Keynes, UK
Was just reading Alice-Bee's topic on "How to answer 'those' questions".

A good topic for listing the reasoned factual answers to 'those' questions, I was thinking. So I decided not to risk derailing it with this.

Thing on my mind being that having the answers, the information, we need is one thing. Delivering that information effectively though .... a different kettle of biscuits altogether.

Spent a fair bit of time this morning looking for a short and simple presentation on the theme of effective information delivery.

It's a sales presentation, unsurprisingly, as the sales industry is the single most prolific dessiminator of skills on how to deliver information effectively that exists on this planet.

Just as a 'btw' ...

One of the definitions of selling is "To cause to be accepted; advocate successfully:"

It's in the context of "advocate succesfully" that I think technique(s) for delivering the information we have effectively should be of interest to everybody here.

I'm at work and can't see the attached video, but if I get the point from your post, then I agree with your position, as it's similar to what I've been saying for years. "You attract more flies with honey than with vinegar".

Often veg*ns approach questions from omnis with arrogance, righteous indignation or a condecending tone.
This approach does not help the cause or the image of veg*ns, and we need to find more effective ways of "selling" veg*nism.

Of course, there are people who will never be persuaded. For them, just don't waste your energy.
Hmm that's why it's so difficult to avoid those "lovefilm" guys who hang around the city centre trying to bully people into signing up... they ask you a question, if you ignore it you feel rude, but if you answer: they never let you go.

But aggressive sales people aside, I think this is a really good point, and something I'd never thought about quite like that before. I think I'll try to adopt this technique a little more when people ask me questions about my beliefs/veganism. I think it'll persuade people more than me giving a monolouge about my beliefs, and it'll also be less stressful for me! I always feel a bit like I should have this super good answer ready to go, but asking questions is more natural.

I think a lot of veg*ans seem to think omnis are always super defensive, but in my experience that just isn't true, but sometimes veg*ans I know can be a little too offensive (not as in... offensive, but as in, they launch an offense on somebody asking a question) which causes people to adopt a defensive response. Plus, if people are defensive, asking questions can defuse that.

Thanks for sharing.