Do we ingest negative energy by eating meat?


May 18, 2018
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  1. Vegan newbie
I've often wondered whether, if ingesting animals, we also take on the consciousness of an animal in terror. Consciousness lives outside the mind evidently. Anyone else wondered about this?
I would say it's probably stretching it a bit to say we take on the consciousness of a specific animal after ingesting it...even if what is commonly consumed was from just one animal (often it is from lots of one type of animal as one might find in a common fast food burger or mince meat). That being said, among it's many other ill effects on human physiology, raising Cortisol is one of them. Whether that is from the stress of the animal just before/during it's death, or some other reason, I don't know, but eating animal flesh has been demonstrated to increase it:
I think, that when we eat meat we also consume animals fear at the moment they were killed. And all these furs are full of animals fear.
I agree that it is possible that the stress of the animal both during its life and its death can leave a residue in the meat and the eggs and the dairy products, along with all the other downsides.

There are so many interesting stories of people that have new memories from organ transplant operations that it isn't much of a stretch to think the same can happen with animal products.

Emma JC
The moment these are killed; vvell parasites, microbiology of viral and bacterial kinds obviously seek a nevv host novv that their existing one is "taken from them" (ovvnership issues).

Organ transplants I have a very personal opinion I much keep to myself (individuals/entities perceiving themselves as predators laying around), generally that I vvould not go by one.
Though an artificial electronic/nanobased heart vvould be kinda cool, though the involved stress/strain in the production lines might mean death is better.
Gotta think about tomorrovv, right?
I've often wondered whether, if ingesting animals, we also take on the consciousness of an animal in terror. Consciousness lives outside the mind evidently. Anyone else wondered about this?
Eating meat is definitely detrimental to your spiritual efforts. Non-vegetarian food can seriously dampen your spiritual intellect since it intoxicates your spiritual awareness. Humans are naturally psychic beings, but eating meat drastically lowers your spiritual potential, and leaves you in a low vibration state.
Choosing to go vegan, or at least vegetarian, can drastically increase your spiritual powers. You will become more empathic and intuitive. Some people even report being able to see spirits or able to foresee events. There is no telling just how much your vibration will rise from this simple lifestyle change.
Just to reinforce the point of Jinenda Singh:

The empathic connections formerly blocked due to the uncomfort involved in considering hovv your food came to be, becomes not only accessible; its like a supportive infrastructure that is just there, vvaiting for a person. Can be a readjustment period I guess.

Much like you have a friend that vvhen you talk to, can support you emotionally, then even via telephone, internet or simply indirectly through meeting vvith common peers; then there is suddenly a host of beings both vvilling to and able to support you.

Afterall; I vvould not support the abuse of myself, though I vvould partake in unlocking my situation.