I think I know what you are getting at. When people debate they should immediately define their terms or at least agree on what their concepts mean. It's pretty easy for two people to be arguing about something when if they both understood the terminology they would discover that they are making a big deal about nothing.
However, on the other hand, its also a common mistake to make too much out of semantics. I don't think I can provide you with a really good definition of a concept like liberty or freedom. But I bet we both understand exactly what that is.
Anyway, to get back to your question, for me Factory Farming is a term to describe a certain type of livestock production.
I just looked it up. According to The Cambridge Dictionary its
system of
farming in which a lot of
animals are
kept in a
small closed area, in
order to
produce a
large amount of
eggs, or
milk as
cheaply as
And you know what, I can't say it any better than the Cambridge Dictionary so lets just all agree to use that definition.
And if most people agree with that definition - well its NOT a nonsense phrase. Is it?
We all know what we mean when we say Factory Farming.