December Health Challenge (2018)

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Should be able to fit in a few little workouts over the Christmas break. When I have time off, it easy. When working, I come home & barely have energy to make dinner & shower!

Still haven't managed to go swimming but I think in the new year I'll have more weekends free to do so - it's so busy coming up to Christmas there's no time to do it.

Have been going to yoga every Sunday though & really enjoy it :)

When will you be going back to work after the baby is born ?;)
I did another long walk on I think it was the 22nd or 23rd. On the 24th I went swimming (about 300m). Tonight I did an upper body workout. Managed to increase the weights for military press.

Foodwise, I've eaten so much sugar. I've decided to just focus on gaining strength and not worry too much about weight. I think the weight will come off naturally as i get more active.
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I hear you all on the Christmas food, which I seem to have extended to New Year's. :D
I have worked out three days this week, a combination of cardio and weights. I'm going for a walk later. It's sunny out and I want to take advantage of the good weather. Yesterday, it rained all day.
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Over the last week, nearly all my exercise has been related to decorating, wrapping and grandchild entertainment. In other words, I think I got my steps in every day - lol!

I'm going to concentrate on yoga in the near future - I'm trying to build upper body strength and make my poor back a little more flexible. I will definitely continue to get my walks in when the weather is pleasant I may even go to the gym from time to time. :rolleyes:
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