Dear previous owner: **** off.


Mercurial and fleeting
Jun 4, 2012
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Deep in the heart of nowhere
  1. Vegan
My amazing wife has been coordinating the rescue of a stray cat that kept showing up on a co-workers porch. Her efforts paid off and late last night we were able to successfully capture the poor thing.

Unsurprisingly, we discovered she was no mere stray cat - she was apparently a house cat that had been dumped. Yes, thrown out, discarded. She is emaciated, de-clawed front and back and has severely matted hair. On the flip side, despite her former owners' clear lack of conscience and mistreatment, she is loving, adorable, shy, and by all measures a beautiful, perfect cat.

My wife and I were both happy to drive an hour each way in a storm late into the evening to ensure we could get this baby to a safe warm place. No regrets there. However, if you call yourself an animal lover and still have the audacity to dump a completely defenseless creature, incapable of providing for itself, after you maimed it so that it wouldn't claw up your goddamn ugly sofa, then do all the truly compassionate people in the world a favor and get yourself a ******* pet rock next time you decide you want something to keep you company, instead of a live animal.

PS: the cat you dumped says **** you, *******. I'm going to be so much better off now.

Thank you for saving this poor cat. :up:

It's hard enough to see a cat declawed in front, but the BACK claws were removed, too? JFC what monsters those people were.

Are you keeping the cat? Fostering until a permanent home is found? Or is someone else taking the cat? *Curious*
Awww, what a pretty kitty. That's awesome that you guys saved her. And how wretched of the people who just dumped her off. That's just disgusting on so many levels.
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Thank you so much, Dedalus! <3 She's so pretty! I have a tortie.
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Oh my what a sad story. I hope she has a bright future ahead.

Can only imagine what could have happened. De-clawing, so cruel. I wonder if an owner could have passed away or something and the family put the cat out. It's hard to know and there will never be an answer I'm sure.
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When I adopted Bogart, in 2012, he was already declawed. He was found wandering around, outside, and luckily, someone found him and brought him to the shelter. He was there a month before I stumbled upon his ad online. So glad I did. He was awesome, for the short time he lived.

I always wondered what his backstory was. He was at least 6-8 years old. It's so hard to think someone would intentionally put him out. He did have health issues so I guess it's possible his owner couldn't deal with it. And I always felt bad thinking he might have been lost and that someone could be looking for him.
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Gorgeous baby girl, gorgeous parents.:smitten:

Good riddance to those awful, cruel people. Change that to barbarians.
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With the exception of unneutered tomcats, cats generally do not wander far if they get out on their own, although many of them revert to wild animal behavior, hiding themselves very well. Several years ago, one of my sister's cats got out, and she didn't even catch a glimpse of her for about three months. My sister was certain she had lost her for good, but I encouraged her to keep baiting the human traps with fresh food nightly. Months after she got out, she finally went into one of the traps.

IOW, if a cat is not found in her immediate neighborhood, the overwhelming probability is that she was dumped. Cats are very attached to their home territories. That's what happened to most of my cats. Many were dumped while they were heavily pregnant, some with newborn litters. Often, grownups are dumped because their humans want a new kitten instead.
Thank you for saving this poor cat. :up:

It's hard enough to see a cat declawed in front, but the BACK claws were removed, too? JFC what monsters those people were.

Are you keeping the cat? Fostering until a permanent home is found? Or is someone else taking the cat? *Curious*

We will keep her until we find her a permanent, safe and loving home. (Fostering). In our house, not having claws would put her at a great disadvantage. Ours also have in / out privileges which would not work for her. She is an absolute dream though. It will be hard to give her up.
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We named her Matilda. She is doing quite well now, adjusting very nicely. Vet checked her out and thinks she's about 2-3 years old and was outside for about 2 months. We can't figure out why someone would ever, ever dump this cat. She is an absolute dream - has not given us one lick of trouble or argument. We even gave her a bath in the kitchen sink and she never struggled or put up the slightest fight. A BATH! (That's a first for me, without having to risk dismemberment.)

My wife has scoured all the social media sites to see if anyone in the past 6 months has reported having lost a torti like this one and found nothing. We were thinking maybe she belonged to an older person who died / moved and the relatives just put her out?? We don't know. She is just too well behaved, extremely low maintenance and very sweet. At any rate - she is happy with us for the time being. We will find her a deserving, permanent and loving home no matter how long it takes.

Thanks everybody for the kind words.

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Personality is more important to me than looks, but ever since knowing my family's cat Peasant so long ago, I have a special spot for tortoiseshell cats. She was the first animal I really bonded with and I was young, so I'm sorry to say I didn't really appreciate her until quite some time later.

Edited To Add: (I don't even like the fact that I'm even considering this line of thought): I don't understand why she was dumped at all, considering that she's so adorable in every way... but the previous "owner" made the effort to declaw her. One would think that they would have kept her if for no other reason that they had made an investment of sorts in her (declawing operation).

Okay. I DEFINITELY don't like this line of reasoning.

But my hat's off to you and your wife, Dedalus.
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Personality is more important to me than looks, but ever since knowing my family's cat Peasant so long ago, I have a special spot for tortoiseshell cats. She was the first animal I really bonded with and I was young, so I'm sorry to say I didn't really appreciate her until quite some time later.

Edited To Add: (I don't even like the fact that I'm even considering this line of thought): I don't understand why she was dumped at all, considering that she's so adorable in every way... but the previous "owner" made the effort to declaw her. One would think that they would have kept her if for no other reason that they had made an investment of sorts in her (declawing operation).

Okay. I DEFINITELY don't like this line of reasoning.

But my hat's off to you and your wife, Dedalus.
Oh c'mon Tom, she's for you, yes? :)
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I am planning to start fostering cats and/or rabbits very soon- in fact, I had planned to be doing that at least a year ago. But I don't think I'm ready to adopt anybody. Back in late 1994, a cat I had adopted became very ill and we couldn't save her. Only one month later, my "friends" who had given her to me pushed me into adopting another cat. There was nothing wrong with him at all, but I had trouble bonding with him because I wasn't ready for another cat yet.

I remember the feeling well. It's exactly where I'm still at after my last two animals passed.

Dedalus, I'm in upstate New York. Is that anywhere near you?