Best vegan cheese for melting


Nov 28, 2017
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  1. Vegan newbie
Hi all, I have some friends round in a few days, we normally order pizza when we get together but I've just recently gone vegan so will need a bit of adjustment!

Can anybody recommend a good vegan cheese substitute that melts well and works on pizza?

I tend to stay away from processed vegan foods however I do buy the mozzerella style shredded Daiya and keep it around for pizza and a bit this morning in our scrambled tofu wraps.... a little bit gives you taste/melt.

Emma JC
I tend to stay away from processed vegan foods however I do buy the mozzerella style shredded Daiya and keep it around for pizza and a bit this morning in our scrambled tofu wraps.... a little bit gives you taste/melt.

Emma JC

Thanks very much! I'm not planning on eating fake cheese regularly, but this is a bit of a long standing tradition and it'll also be my 'coming out' to my friends as vegan so I feel like it will be good to go with it at least for the first time.

Where do you buy the Daiya cheese?
You can look on daiya's website and it will tell you stores that sell it near you.
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I don't know where you are from - if it is Canada then many of the Loblaws stores have it in the section where they sell the tofu. Most health food grocery stores carry it.

Emma JC
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I'm in the UK, but thanks anyway, I'm sure I can find a stockist.
Hi all, I have some friends round in a few days, we normally order pizza when we get together but I've just recently gone vegan so will need a bit of adjustment!

Can anybody recommend a good vegan cheese substitute that melts well and works on pizza?


I think you should buy daiya cheese. This is the only cheese which I found to be closest to regular cheese. Just use it carefully as it's lil bit salty.
Go veggie brand also melts well but it is oilier than daiya brand.
vegusto no moo. Not easy to get in a shop now but online easy enough. Violife is ok. Tesco own sucks.
Daiya is almost impossible to get here so must confess I'm looking forward to trying it - in states in may so maybe then
In case you wish to make your own instead of buying.... High Carb Hannah has a great recipe for a nacho cheese sauce that is quick and simple - so good for a variety of things including a mexican flavoured pizza - just google, high carb hannah nacho cheese sauce - and also for a less mexican variety - Anja from Cooking with Plants has a stretchy cheese sauce made from cashews and also a nut free one -
the link to the nut free one is under her cheese menu. I have made both HCH's cheese and Anja's and they are both great.

Enjoy! Emma JC
Asda have started selling their own-brand cheddar in addition to Violife. I'm told it's great for melting but as I can't get it via home-delivery I cannot confirm.
Personally I don't like Daiya at all. It has a distinctive taste that I just don't like. I prefer Earth Balance, and if you want to splurge and have Miyoko's cheeses in your area, hers are second to none, that I've found. I paid a lot for it though. Maybe for a special occasion, but I'll stick to Earth Balance for an affordable pizza.

Also, as suggested, some homemade cheeses might be worth trying. So far the cheese recipes I've tried are disappointing.