Arthritis Sufferers tip...

ty brant

May 28, 2016
Reaction score
Hereford, England
  1. Vegan newbie
Hi all,

I thought I would share a short story and advice on how to combat arthritis.

My dad's partner works in an old folks nursing home and about 3 months ago my dad's partner was complaining to one of the residents about her sore hands, or what could be the onset of arthritis.

Well the lady, who is in her 90's replied that, in her 40's she too suffered with the start of arthritis and so she went to the doctor to ask for some advice or medication for the problem. When she explained her symptoms her doctor he asked "do you eat Tomatoes and/or potatoes?"
The lady replied that she did and asked why those two vegetables? The doctor said that the reason he asked is because both of those foods belong to the same family as the deadly nightshade plant which is highly poisonous to humans.

So the lady cut these out of her diet and is arthritis free well into her 90's.

I hope that helps anyone who may suffer with the illness.

Also another way to combat arthritis is to drink Nettle or Dandelion tea.

Ty :)
Hi all,

I thought I would share a short story and advice on how to combat arthritis.

My dad's partner works in an old folks nursing home and about 3 months ago my dad's partner was complaining to one of the residents about her sore hands, or what could be the onset of arthritis.

Well the lady, who is in her 90's replied that, in her 40's she too suffered with the start of arthritis and so she went to the doctor to ask for some advice or medication for the problem. When she explained her symptoms her doctor he asked "do you eat Tomatoes and/or potatoes?"
The lady replied that she did and asked why those two vegetables? The doctor said that the reason he asked is because both of those foods belong to the same family as the deadly nightshade plant which is highly poisonous to humans.

So the lady cut these out of her diet and is arthritis free well into her 90's.

I hope that helps anyone who may suffer with the illness.

Also another way to combat arthritis is to drink Nettle or Dandelion tea.

Ty :)
Thanks a lot I am having Arthritis problem Potato and Tomato is part of my regular diet..
Today onward i am removing these two items from my schedule diet..will follow your suggestion...
Thanks once again