Mercy Full

Jan 17, 2016
Reaction score
  1. Vegan
Hi there, I run two online t shirt businesses, one of which is a 100% fund raiser for fighting the U.K badger cull, I take no money from that at all, and the other one is my business (I presume it's ok to mention it here?) and for two years I've been earning a living and also raising awareness and funds for about a dozen direct action campaigns, animal rights campaigning organisations, wildlife ambulance and rescue and animal shelters. I design t shirts (most of them with a vegan related angle of some sort) to benefit specific campaigns and then selling them in my shop online and printing to order, then when one is sold I donate five pounds to the relevant campaign. I also go to vegan fairs whenever I get a chance and always to well at those..but there aren't many I can get to! I wonder if anyone knows of or can thank of any good ways of publicising what I do which would help me raise more for the campaigns I feel so passionately about. I publicise the t shirts through facebook and Twitter and am on a couple of vegan business listing tho I don't know how much people really use those..don't people just google things nowadays if they want vegan product?
Any ideas or thoughts or shared experience would be so much appreciated. I am involved in opposing the badger cull with direct action and also hunt sabbing, and my business is really my way of living my beliefs and means a lot to me. Thanks
Great website :heart: I'm a big fan of Instagram, I've met more vegans there than anywhere far! And from all over the world. If you decided to go on there look me up :) There's a page on there from a t-shirt company in Canada called veganveins that might interest you, I have bought from them, they sell on Etsy. Good luck with everything. :cool: