An interesting thought i had


Jan 1, 2018
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  1. Vegan newbie
How many of your friends are Vegan? I started off with a veggie diet, met my girlfriend, who was a full on Vegan and now I'm also vegan. Most of my friends were meat eaters, but I now actually hang out with Vegan people. I didn't even notice just kind of subconsciously happened
Hi Alex,

There are many vegans out there in the big, bad world who feel they are solitary voices crying in the wilderness. You are fortunate to have found so much support around you.

I suspect that you will always be one of the lucky ones in life. If you fall you will land on your feet and if you drop your toast it will land Marmite side up. Long life and happiness to you! :)

I have a few vegan friends. I intentionally chose to finish my degree at a school nominated by PETA for top ten vegan schools - they got number two one year. It factored as much into my choices as anything. I want to live where I can have locally made tofu, clearly marked vegan items and a full salad bar handy.

The world is not vegan by default so you are very fortunate to have fallen into this group. Of course it probably has a lot to do with your girlfriend being vegan first.
None of my friends are vegan... But my girlfriend is vegetarian at least :)
I must admit that it is HARD if you don't have anyone around who have the same point of view or if you don't have anyone who is eating the same food as you... That being said, strong will can get you (me) anywhere!
I was vegetarian when I met O.H and had no expectation of him changing, but he was always respectful of my choices. Even when I became a vegan he was very understanding. He still eats meat, but a lot less now. Don't tell his mum but she is just about a vegan too, she will deny it though. She will not eat meat, or dairy and only eats egg 2 or 3 times a week . I don't know any other vegetarians, let alone vegans. I really felt so alone before joining this forum.
I found that I didn't really want to hang around people much anymore after going all the way vegan as I found that the meat eaters I associated with had other habits I was trying to distance myself from. Now when I meet a vegan out in the wild it is so exciting and we energize each other so I would love to make actual friends with fellow vegans in real life. Easier said than done though as I work from home. Glad to have this place to check into once in a while.