Accidentally funny headlines


MadamSarcastra, over & out.
Feb 1, 2016
Whether they're from internet news feeds or actual printed periodicals, post those headlines that made you giggle, guffaw, or simply go o_O....

For instance, here are a couple oldies but goodies:



Regarding that last one: I don't know if the ad itself is a joke or real, but there was a movie made several years ago called "Safety not Guaranteed" in which someone placed that very ad looking for a time travel companion. I saw it with my sister, because she can't get her husband to go with her to see movies that aren't big studio movies. The interesting.

Safety Not Guaranteed (2012)
One of my favorites was written by a colleague way back in my early newspaper days. It was a story about a very large man who was battling the local public transit company to provide handicap access on buses (a man before his time). The headline was "Big Man Has Big Beef." :D I was on duty that night to update the local pages for later editions and promptly giggled before rewriting a less double-entendred headline. :D We saved that one for our very own wall of shame. It was done in good fun, and just about everybody had an unintentional contribution over the years. I miss the newsrooms of old.