vegan restaurants

  1. Aquaholic

    Kitchen Contamination

    I was raised vegetarian and have never eaten meat or fish. Until I went fully vegan in 2015 I would still eat from restaurants and kitchens which served meat, but after eliminating eggs, dairy, and avoiding non-vegan wine and beer, I quickly realized the contamination problem which is...
  2. R

    Vegan hotdogs

    Hello, Why don’t more restaurants do vegan hotdogs? A lot of restaurants (both vegan restaurants and other restaurants that do vegan food and non-vegan food 😒☹️😔) do vegan burgers, but what if a vegan would prefer a hotdog? Would you like to see vegan hotdogs on more restaurant menus? Also...
  3. shyvas

    Vegan Restaurant Reviews

    We have 3 threads.
  4. Andrea

    Vegan Food-Seoul

    Hello~ I compiled all the vegan food I ate during my trip into this short video! Hope some will find this helpful! 1. Ilmi Hwapyeong Naengmyeon (Incheon) 2. Maru Jayeonsik Kimbap (Insadong) 3. Yoojung Sikdang ARMY HEAVEN!!! (Gangnam) 4. Haemil Bakery (Hongdae) 5. Pan Honesta (Hongdae) 6...
  5. Andrea

    Vegan Thai Food in Taipei

    Hello fellow vegans, My youtube channel is mainly just me pigging out on vegan food in Asia. In this latest video I ate at a delicious thai restaurant called The Green Room. I also had yummy local buns for breakfast! If you ever visit Taipei, Taiwan, you should definitely give these a try...
  6. Veggietorials

    Vegan Eats L.A. | Day 1

    I thought I was going to be in LA for one day on my way to New York. The Universe had other plans. I said YES to everything and had an incredible week with some of my favorite people. THANK YOU MY GREEN FILLS FOR SPONSORING THIS SERIES! My Last Laundry Jug for FREE ORIGINALLY FILMED FOR...