Watch the film here
"The co-director of “Cowspiracy” and “What the Health” has been hard at work following these two documentary hits. In August, Keegan Kuhn premiered his new solo project, “Running For Good.” The film tells the story of vegan ultramarathoner Fiona Oakes, a powerful force of an athlete who, despite her extraordinary accomplishments, has received little media recognition. The compelling documentary is now available to stream online."
Here is the official trailer.
"The co-director of “Cowspiracy” and “What the Health” has been hard at work following these two documentary hits. In August, Keegan Kuhn premiered his new solo project, “Running For Good.” The film tells the story of vegan ultramarathoner Fiona Oakes, a powerful force of an athlete who, despite her extraordinary accomplishments, has received little media recognition. The compelling documentary is now available to stream online."
Here is the official trailer.