Windows 8


Jun 7, 2012
Reaction score
Ottawa / Vermont
So... I put together a new computer, but rather than shell out a couple hundred dollars for the operating system, we went the temporarily cheap route of loading it with the Windows 8 consumer review.

Now the computer feels like a giant freaking smartphone but without a touch screen. I suppose any new operating system takes some getting used to, but I'm not quite there yet. I'll be loading Ubuntu on top of it and only using Windows 8 when I feel like messing with it or need to use a program I can't get to work on Ubuntu.

And I will not be retiring my Win 7 machine quite yet I guess :p
I'm quite reluctant to try Windows 8 unless I do get a touch screen computer.

Edit: Every person I've spoken to so far that tried W8 said they hated it at first followed by "well it's really not that bad" a few days after their first statement!
I'm not sure what you mean by that, because I've never tried Windows 8.

I'm well aware that you can use it without having a touch screen, though. :)

It's Microsoft's new tablet thingy.
Oh lol. I thought you were mentioning a feature called Surface in W8. My bad.:p
Well it makes sense, that MS would release a tablet PC to go with their shiny new Touch Screen capable OS.

I'd probably prefer an Android tablet, since I'm already familiar with Android on my cell phone, but I wouldn't mind trying out the Surface.
So far, I'm happy with Windows 7. Vista was a bit of a nightmare for me, and 7 is like a fixed version of Vista.

XP served me well enough back in the day, but I like 7 now.

If I could, I would just stick with Fedora Linux really, but because I like to game a bit, Windows is the better choice for me at the moment. It really sucks, that the only way I can play my games on Linux is through Wine (which defeats the purpose, IMO, of using Linux).
I'll probably stick with Windows 7 until it's no longer supported. Or until I need to replace my netbook, by then Win8 will probably come pre-installed.

At that point I might consider upgrading my desktop, as well, as I prefer to use the same system on both machines. Luckily, there are a few places around here that sell OEM copies- and they don't always enforce the requirement to buy parts along with the software. (My full version of Win7 Home Premium cost me less than $100.)
OS X Lion, Apple's latest operating system, did the same thing that Windows 8 appears to be doing: transforming your desktop or laptop into a smartphone.