When vegans cheat: Epic fail ft. nausea!


May 22, 2022
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  1. Raw vegan
Greetings my fellow humans!

Last night, we did it, we bought a small pack of chicken breasts just to try my grandmothers stir fry chicken recipe to celebrate my sister-in-law's, boyfriends, birthday. They are avid junk food omnivores, obese, sickly, etc etc...First thing I noticed when opening the package, it smelled waaaaay the **** off! Like, something wasn't right with it. (BTW when we pass the meat section in the store it smells like a god damn morgue.) My partner and I shrugged it off as bad smelly necrotic flesh injected with NO3 converted into NO2 cause of the bacteria. Okay so bad smelly chicken yuk yuk. I cooked it down to the letter, or hiragana (LOL), seasoned etc, and it smelled alright, so so to us, but my in-laws were praising my stir fry mistress skills. We partook in eating some and I put the rest in the fridge, to be eaten the next day.

We both went on for the rest of that day without incident, until my partner complained of feeling nauseous that evening, and then vomited. (It was the chicken) I'm sitting here the morning after and now I am nauseous and I've never get sick from food, at all. They say cooking kills bacteria, but with climate change and PFAS and everything that is out there I and my body believe it does not! Bacteria are getting stronger, but I guess humans need to research this to figure this out (LOL). I checked on the chicken and nearly fainted when taking the lid off the pan. I smelled dead zombie flesh! Good gods it was AWFUL! We were like "We used to eat this ?!! People eat this ???!!" We told the in-laws in a sms and they ofcourse were shocked. We're even more shocked that people eat this stuff??!!!?!!!

We threw it out, and swore never to touch any animal products, at all, again. I'm still nauseous because this bad bacteria is in my gut and my body is fussing about it.

I've bit into things and had bile immediately come up my throat, needing to urgently spit the food out. I had no idea what it could be other than tasting rancid. Spoiled cauliflower? Inspection showed I had a sandwich with chicken.
I cannot ever imagine eating meat again, but would think your experience was probably more from your system having changed than it being bad. I assume others ate it and were fine?

I'm so sorry, that sounds so awful :hug:Maybe fennel and ginger tea may help, or a pack of saltines (I always eat saltine crackers when I have stomach problems!)
While I have no particular aversion to eating animals, I have become much more conscious of the greater risk of illness from eating meat. So eating a mostly plant-based diet seems worthwhile from that point of view as well. Still, smell seems to be an important hint so I would say don't eat anything at all that smells suspicious. Mind you, I have no sense of smell so wouldn't have a clue.

I've bit into things and had bile immediately come up my throat, needing to urgently spit the food out. I had no idea what it could be other than tasting rancid. Spoiled cauliflower? Inspection showed I had a sandwich with chicken.
I cannot ever imagine eating meat again, but would think your experience was probably more from your system having changed than it being bad. I assume others ate it and were fine?

I'm so sorry, that sounds so awful :hug:Maybe fennel and ginger tea may help, or a pack of saltines (I always eat saltine crackers when I have stomach problems!)
Yes in-laws went unscathed! Some other things happened as well and are still happening. I got pain in my lower left jaw, it's diminishing over time, I'm taking acetaminophen to suppress the pain. I got a headache that lasted 10 hours, the acetaminophen brought it down from a 9 ( pain scale 1 - 10) to a 3. All of this from some god damn chicken! Never again I swear lol!
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While I have no particular aversion to eating animals, I have become much more conscious of the greater risk of illness from eating meat. So eating a mostly plant-based diet seems worthwhile from that point of view as well. Still, smell seems to be an important hint so I would say don't eat anything at all that smells suspicious. Mind you, I have no sense of smell so wouldn't have a clue.
I believe wht has happened is my metabolism transformed into super metabolism, and rejects anything bad for my gut. Those millions of microbes in my gut are in control, if they don't like something, I deffinitely will know it! So from now on if we want to cheat it has to be one of those beyond meat products and the like.