What's your favorite fruit?


Staff member
Jul 30, 2017
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Vancouver, BC
  1. Vegan
I love summer cuz the melons are sweet. I think for me it's a toss up between cherries, especially Rainier cherries, and peaches. I love lots of fruit, but I think cherries makes me the happiest.

What's your fav?
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Asian pears are probably my absolute favorite, but where I live they cost about $2 each, so I don't get them often. I eat bananas the most, as they are quite inexpensive yet tasty. I also like red grapes, mango, and pineapple.

Rarely have I encountered a fruit that I don't like. Fruits are probably my favorite type of food.
I love Mandarin oranges, and those cutie tangerines. I like citrus fruits a lot. I also use a lot of limes in cooking.

I'd say I probably buy more bananas than any other fruit though. I like them okay, but it's really about the convenience. They're just so easily eaten, and great to bring along with you in a pinch. That's probably why I love Mandarins too. They are very convenient. As much as I love mangoes, just try eating one of those without making a mess. It's a guaranteed hand-wash at the very least.

And did I mention cherries? Mmm, cherries :p

My favorite, the Rainier cherry below:
So amazingly delicious!
Has anyone ever tried durian? It comes available here where I live, even though it's imported. I've just never been brave enough to try it.

I must add jackfruit to this fruit list, even though we all mostly use it as a meat alternative. It sort of reminds me of durian, but without the spikes over the skin. We also get jackfruit here too, but usually in the Chinatown street markets. It's not something I buy as a treat, like most fruit, but it ends up being a treat for dinner, cause it still tastes great as a meal.
mangoes and papayas are definitely my fave fruits :) so good when ripened!!
I never tried durian though, it's way too smelly for me!! But I have a friend who loves it, apparently it does taste good!
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There's so many kinds of fruits that I find that shocking. Still blueberries are technically a fruit ;)

Lol it's a running joke in my circle, the vegan who doesn't like fruit. I love cooking with fruit. Bananas are my go to for any baking and I'll use literally any fruit to make something cool (apple pie, pulled BBQ jackfruit, or even grilled pineapple)
Has anyone ever tried durian? It comes available here where I live, even though it's imported. I've just never been brave enough to try it.

I must add jackfruit to this fruit list, even though we all mostly use it as a meat alternative. It sort of reminds me of durian, but without the spikes over the skin. We also get jackfruit here too, but usually in the Chinatown street markets. It's not something I buy as a treat, like most fruit, but it ends up being a treat for dinner, cause it still tastes great as a meal.
I've never tried durian. I used to watch bizzare foods with Andrew Zimmern. He eats all kinds of weird stuff and that was the only thing he absolutely hated. It's supposed to smell really bad but it's a delicacy. It's available frozen in some asian markets.

I can't pick a single favorite fruit. Peaches and cherries are at the top of the list.
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Too many to choose from, pineapple, pawpaw, peaches, apricots, plums, cherries, mangoes, cherries, grapes, my favourite citrus is the lemonade fruit but is hardly ever available to buy. As the name says it really does taste like home made lemonade.
Least favourite fruits are cantaloupes and watermelon
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Bananas, strawberries, pineapple, wild Canadian blueberries, raspberries - always have frozen in the freezer and eat fresh when it is possible.

Emma JC
wild Canadian blueberries, raspberries

I grew up on the east coast, where blueberries grow quite abundantly, and raspberries too, if I recall. Here in BC we have wild blueberries, but just not the same. They're quite tasty, but definitely appear to be a different variety. Also, they're not nearly as abundant here. Blackberries, well that's a different story. We have lots of those come late August.

I do know a few places here to go for wild blueberries, but you might end up competing with some black bears. I have such fond childhood memories of the wonderful blueberry desserts my mom would make, including her amazing blueberry pie. I miss east coast wild blueberries.
yes, we are very fortunate here in central and northern Ontario as the wild blueberries are abundant and tasty - I do buy them mostly as President's Choice frozen, they are wild and Canadian...

I also love blackberries, I wish they sold them in their own frozen package as they do with the other berries. Other than fresh they only come in a mixed frozen fruit package and they put cultivated blueberries with them and that spoils it for me as I find them tasteless.

Emma JC
What a cute thread! I love cherries but they're very expensive in the UK. Watermelon is another favourite, and clementines when you luck out and get a good batch

Day to day I only really eat apples and bananas, though.
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