We must support each other.


Mar 28, 2024
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South Carolina, Gaia
  1. Vegan
Hey y’all,
I’ve been doing some thinking. I’ve been not only a vegan, but an outspoken advocate for animal rights for decades. Nothing has changed. Nothing will change. For over 40 years I have been ridiculed, put down, and ignored because of my beliefs, all on the insistence that sanctified slaughter of animals is in any way acceptable. Let me be clear: IT IS NOT. Ever. Vegans like myself, even those that have been vocal in their opposition to this brutality, have always taken a passive role. But it isn’t enough. Every day, our inaction is leading to the continual genocide of innocent creatures. Ecohustler estimates that 2 million of these beautiful creatures are butchered senselessly every single day! (Do you know how many animals are killed by humans every day? | Ecohustler). It is now abundantly clear that action must be taken- action to defend our planet and its creatures. I have joined these forums seeking out likeminded people. Fellow soldiers of Earth that can join me and support me in the crusade to end Carnism. To stamp out the Meatriarchy and end this madness permanently! To finish this cruelty and eradicate the meat eaters that defile our world. Are you with me or will you fall?!!!
Woah - the militants are here!
She is not wrong. I haven't had such a bad time of it. People here frequently state that I live a sheltered life in California. Being a senior citizen with 40 years of vegan experience she should be allowed to vent her frustrations. This forum should be a safe place. I think after 40 years, her frustration, anger and impatience is understandable.
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Nothing has changed. Nothing will change.
That may be true on a personal level for you. And I can't speak to the stuff you have endured personally, but I can speak of change on a more general and global level.

I am a member of PETA. And I can tell you that many PETA members feel exactly like you do. PETA even does lots of work where you live in South Carolina.

Vegans, public opinion and PETA has made a difference- things do change.

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Also let's not minimize or ignore the good You have done.

Some calculations would claim that 40 years of Veganism means that you have saved about 40000 animal lives.

Have you influenced anyone? You can chalk that up to good things too.

I have never gotten anyone to go vegan, but I have gotten lots of people to be more aware of the consequences of their diet. And even some people won't eat meat right in front of me.
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Welcome, @BeverlyVallewind .

I can't exactly suggest that you be patient with the current state of affairs. But humans are still sometimes okay with killing their own kind- and the killing of animals is even more ingrained and accepted by almost everyone. Veganism is DEFINITELY more common than it has been in the past. The general attitude of people toward animals can change, should change, and is changing... for the better. But I'm still not sure how to help this along... except maybe sometimes, when I eat with other people, they see that I, too, enjoy my food.
Welcome, @BeverlyVallewind .

I can't exactly suggest that you be patient with the current state of affairs. But humans are still sometimes okay with killing their own kind- and the killing of animals is even more ingrained and accepted by almost everyone. Veganism is DEFINITELY more common than it has been in the past. The general attitude of people toward animals can change, should change, and is changing... for the better. But I'm still not sure how to help this along... except maybe sometimes, when I eat with other people, they see that I, too, enjoy my food.
This is my approach as well. I also think that changes in societal attitudes that are so ingrained may not happen in our lifetimes. Look how long it took for things to change regarding slavery. I think we are still at the beginning of the push for change when it comes to attitudes toward veganism/animals. I don't deny that it's discouraging that change hasn't been as fast as I'd like, but even in the past 20 years, there's more awareness about how animal agriculture affects the animals and the planet. When I was in my teens and 20s (a long time ago, lol), I had heard only of vegetarians. Veganism awareness is definitely on the rise even if the majority of people don't embrace it (yet).
This is my approach as well. I also think that changes in societal attitudes that are so ingrained may not happen in our lifetimes. Look how long it took for things to change regarding slavery. I think we are still at the beginning of the push for change when it comes to attitudes toward veganism/animals. I don't deny that it's discouraging that change hasn't been as fast as I'd like, but even in the past 20 years, there's more awareness about how animal agriculture affects the animals and the planet. When I was in my teens and 20s (a long time ago, lol), I had heard only of vegetarians. Veganism awareness is definitely on the rise even if the majority of people don't embrace it (yet).
Slavery is a good example of how long change takes. It's also a disheartening example. It did take hundreds of years for slavery to be abolished in Europe and the USA. but racism still exists. and in many places (even including the US, slavery still exists.

Meanwhile it's probably for the best to acknowledge the changes - even if they are small. And celebrate the wins.

I also don't recommend hating the carnists. After all, we were all carnists once.
There are a number of articles, and books and shorter videos about "effective advocacy". Stuff like that can help. I also recommend reading something by Dr. Melanie Joy.
The only person I've ever converted to vegan diet was to save his own life. He had been given last rites the last time he had an emergency triple heart bypass operation and I suggested Dr Esselstyn--of How to Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease. He strictly adhered and within a year did indeed reverse his tests, rid type 2 diabetes, and run marathons. He went in for health, with no regards for ethics, but ended up convinced of the need to be vegan.
I'm more of the belief that when you don't need to harm you shouldn't do harm. I'd kill if I were threatened, but I've never been in that position. I know my health is better when I don't eat animals, and have never been attacked by any, so why should ever want them killed? This is true for most people across the US. When people start realising plant based diets are as varied and accessible as what we're used to they start making things without animal products. That''s more my style-to get people to understand how normal it is to eat vegan.
Honestly I dislike anthropomorphism. Animals are what they are, they don't want our hugs or houses, and frankly, a pig is only like a dog if it's also domesticated. Just leave them the F alone is my attitude.
I'm more the practical vegan (although I rarely identify as one)
Hey y’all,
I’ve been doing some thinking. I’ve been not only a vegan, but an outspoken advocate for animal rights for decades. Nothing has changed. Nothing will change. For over 40 years I have been ridiculed, put down, and ignored because of my beliefs, all on the insistence that sanctified slaughter of animals is in any way acceptable. Let me be clear: IT IS NOT. Ever. Vegans like myself, even those that have been vocal in their opposition to this brutality, have always taken a passive role. But it isn’t enough. Every day, our inaction is leading to the continual genocide of innocent creatures. Ecohustler estimates that 2 million of these beautiful creatures are butchered senselessly every single day! (Do you know how many animals are killed by humans every day? | Ecohustler). It is now abundantly clear that action must be taken- action to defend our planet and its creatures. I have joined these forums seeking out likeminded people. Fellow soldiers of Earth that can join me and support me in the crusade to end Carnism. To stamp out the Meatriarchy and end this madness permanently! To finish this cruelty and eradicate the meat eaters that defile our world. Are you with me or will you fall?!!!
I'm with the sentiment, but not the way you've put it.
Speaking as someone who gave up animal products 2 years ago, but whose family and friends didn't, I don't like the "eradicate the meat eaters" bit.
Eradicate meat-eating...for sure.
Hey y’all,
I’ve been doing some thinking. I’ve been not only a vegan, but an outspoken advocate for animal rights for decades. Nothing has changed. Nothing will change. For over 40 years I have been ridiculed, put down, and ignored because of my beliefs, all on the insistence that sanctified slaughter of animals is in any way acceptable. Let me be clear: IT IS NOT. Ever. Vegans like myself, even those that have been vocal in their opposition to this brutality, have always taken a passive role. But it isn’t enough. Every day, our inaction is leading to the continual genocide of innocent creatures. Ecohustler estimates that 2 million of these beautiful creatures are butchered senselessly every single day! (Do you know how many animals are killed by humans every day? | Ecohustler). It is now abundantly clear that action must be taken- action to defend our planet and its creatures. I have joined these forums seeking out likeminded people. Fellow soldiers of Earth that can join me and support me in the crusade to end Carnism. To stamp out the Meatriarchy and end this madness permanently! To finish this cruelty and eradicate the meat eaters that defile our world. Are you with me or will you fall?!!!
Hi, I do not blame you for your anger and frustration.
However, There are more vegans today and more humans are aware than before.
However, awareness does not necessarily equal action. Eating the dead is a worldwide addiction, just like cigarettes, alcohol,
and other substances. We all used to be omnivores, we were raised with that normalcy and eating violence.

However, some humans will change because of radical actions and information, while others will reject it. None of us like being
told what to do or that we are wrong. There is a tremendous fear for humans to be isolated and alone, to not be "normal", to stick out,
to "give up" what we get pleasure from eating. HUMAN ANIMALS DO NOT LIKE TO CHANGE. This is not an excuse but an observation over and over.

Society and animal ag have brainwashed us. The industry does not give a sh*t about the animals, but does locve to make money
and to receive $40 BILLION in taxpayer subsidies/handouts every year--otherwise they would lose $$ on every animal.
They hide the truth of their horrific industry, and pray all of their cusomer$ lack COURAGE to be vegan. Many do lack the courage.

There is nothing wrong with trying to reach humans. I do it as much as I can, and am writing a book right now to educate.
By the way, I have been a whole food ethical vegan for over 30 years now. I did not do this overnight as I was uneducated, but
it did happen after about 2 years. And, I started by being a "health" vegan, not for the animals sake.

Here are some terrific video's by the bite size vegan. She honed her approach over many years of getting frustrated with humans.
namaste', rachel
Hey y’all,
I’ve been doing some thinking. I’ve been not only a vegan, but an outspoken advocate for animal rights for decades. Nothing has changed. Nothing will change. For over 40 years I have been ridiculed, put down, and ignored because of my beliefs, all on the insistence that sanctified slaughter of animals is in any way acceptable. Let me be clear: IT IS NOT. Ever. Vegans like myself, even those that have been vocal in their opposition to this brutality, have always taken a passive role. But it isn’t enough. Every day, our inaction is leading to the continual genocide of innocent creatures. Ecohustler estimates that 2 million of these beautiful creatures are butchered senselessly every single day! (Do you know how many animals are killed by humans every day? | Ecohustler). It is now abundantly clear that action must be taken- action to defend our planet and its creatures. I have joined these forums seeking out likeminded people. Fellow soldiers of Earth that can join me and support me in the crusade to end Carnism. To stamp out the Meatriarchy and end this madness permanently! To finish this cruelty and eradicate the meat eaters that defile our world. Are you with me or will you fall?!!!
I have similar experiences and many hardships due to my convictions. I’ve developed some ideas and I hope we get our community to do more “inreach” and standing for each other first and cultivate a more consistent attitude of intolerance to the animal holocaust.
When your friends send you videos of people eating flesh, or "vegan memes", or, almost worse yet, your animal lover friends are indifferent to the suffering of farm animals, turning their heads from slaughter house footage, but eating a chicken burger the next week.

When you see someone you look up to (like a celebrity) be a huge animal lover, see pictures of them hugging animals and being extremely vocal about social justice, yet being a meat eater (for me that person is Billie Joe Armstrong - Green Day)

When your dad tells you that 'none of that vegan ******** is happening under my roof', forcing you to eat yoghurt, which you smear across your plate to make it look as if you have eaten it.

When you get told to shut up about veganism, and have no one to talk to, when you watch your friends eat flesh and other animal products in front of you but remain in silence, not wanting to lose them.

When meat eating and animal abuse is normalised in school - for example we played a game as a year group in which (I'm not kidding) we had to aquire cows and chickens to produce eggs and milk to buy houses - sort of like a giant game of Catanb, but as an economics exercise. They had curveballs each round and one of them was "veganism is on the rise" at which my classmates groaned and rolled their eyes at me, knowing I am vegan.

What makes you guys feel sad or lonely? I think the second one hits me the hardest as it's my peers who I tend to confide in, and their indifference is really hurtful. Sorry for the essay - I just needed someplace to vent. Please vent with me, I need fellow vegans to talk to or I'll go mad.
Veganteen199, don't give up. It's really hard to swim against the tide, but that's how long-term changes come about, with people like you willing to take the heat for what is "against the norm." You give me hope for the future (I'm old, lol), you really do! <3
When your friends send you videos of people eating flesh, or "vegan memes", or, almost worse yet, your animal lover friends are indifferent to the suffering of farm animals, turning their heads from slaughter house footage, but eating a chicken burger the next week.

When you see someone you look up to (like a celebrity) be a huge animal lover, see pictures of them hugging animals and being extremely vocal about social justice, yet being a meat eater (for me that person is Billie Joe Armstrong - Green Day)

When your dad tells you that 'none of that vegan ******** is happening under my roof', forcing you to eat yoghurt, which you smear across your plate to make it look as if you have eaten it.

When you get told to shut up about veganism, and have no one to talk to, when you watch your friends eat flesh and other animal products in front of you but remain in silence, not wanting to lose them.

When meat eating and animal abuse is normalised in school - for example we played a game as a year group in which (I'm not kidding) we had to aquire cows and chickens to produce eggs and milk to buy houses - sort of like a giant game of Catanb, but as an economics exercise. They had curveballs each round and one of them was "veganism is on the rise" at which my classmates groaned and rolled their eyes at me, knowing I am vegan.

What makes you guys feel sad or lonely? I think the second one hits me the hardest as it's my peers who I tend to confide in, and their indifference is really hurtful. Sorry for the essay - I just needed someplace to vent. Please vent with me, I need fellow vegans to talk to or I'll go mad.
Think of it this way...

My situation. I wasn't vegan until the age of 55.
I have a family who are not vegan. I don't know anybody else who is IRL.
It can be stressful. I cannot convince them, and I fear any more attempts to do so might just alienate them.

You are young. You can shape your own future. You can find a vegan partner and if you wish, raise vegan kids and surround yourself with vegan friends.
You can maybe go into activism if that's a desire.

I'm too old for all that, so I get to be an island, convinced of my moral standpoint, but with nobody to share it with other than Youtubers and people on forums.
Think of it this way...

My situation. I wasn't vegan until the age of 55.
I have a family who are not vegan. I don't know anybody else who is IRL.
It can be stressful. I cannot convince them, and I fear any more attempts to do so might just alienate them.

You are young. You can shape your own future. You can find a vegan partner and if you wish, raise vegan kids and surround yourself with vegan friends.
You can maybe go into activism if that's a desire.

I'm too old for all that, so I get to be an island, convinced of my moral standpoint, but with nobody to share it with other than Youtubers and people on forums.
Never to old to do activism.👍