UK Vegans on The Rise

That's great news. The ferocity of the anti-vegan social media in the past couple of years has made me lose hope in humanity. Not because I ever expected everyone to magically turn vegan, but it seems reasonable for more and more people to cut meat or most meat from their diet according to mountains of scientific evidence on the environmental and health impacts...and that so many people claim they care about animal welfare if not animal rights.

But there is this whole insidious movement of trash talking vegans, or people claiming to be "ex-vegans" (and of course most of all of them have been called into question in their sincerity) who don't simply go back to eating eggs, or fish, ostensibly "for their health" :unamused: but actually advocate that going back to fully traditional Western omni diets or keto/paleo garbage, or even "carnivore." The carnivore people are insane though, and most people see that as idiotic, thankfully. Carnivores on social media are the 2010s-20s answer to "Satanists" in the 1980s-90s.