Vaccines and Health


Jul 9, 2015
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Jim Carey came under fire recently for speaking out against vaccines. The governor of Cali made it mandatory for children to get vaccines. This is a controversial topic. However, I feel that many people just do what they are told without questioning anything. I am anti vaccine. This is due the fact that my aunt has a son that is autistic and she was paid a settlement check from a pharmaceutical company. It was confirmed in her case that the vaccine caused his autism. She has endured so much trying to parent him. For me, no amount of money is worth my children's health. For me seeing what she has gone through has made it VERY difficult for me to believe anything that doctors have to say when it comes to vaccinations. I want to know you all feel about vaccinations. People attacked Jim for his views and I dont appreciate that...kuddos to him for making a stance.

Here is a CNN link about it.
Why Jim Carrey is wrong about vaccination (Opinion) -
If you don't vaccinate your kids, you shouldn't be a parent. Vaccines do not cause autism. Full stop. Even if they did (for the sake of argument, let me reiterate that they don't), people who don't vaccinate are saying that they'd rather their kids die of a preventable disease than be autistic. What a load of nonsense.

If you want your kids to be healthy, you'll vaccinate. Responsible parents vaccinate. Children shouldn't suffer for their parent's ideologies.
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I think it's fine to be a little sceptical towards vaccines and the medical profession, and I don't think it's right for the state to make all kinds of vaccines mandatory.

However, surely not all vaccines are causing autism or other problems, and vaccines in general have benefited humankind tremendously.

We chose to give our daughter her first dosages of the vaccines separately instead of the all-in-one jabs. That way we could better monitor and see if any of them gave bad reactions, and easily identify which ones. Also, we would avoid her getting reactions to more than one vaccine at a time, however unlikely that is. As the case was, she did get a pretty bad reaction to one of the vaccines, with high fever and swelling around the injection site. But she did not develop autism, and I think it's very unlikely that vaccines can lead to autism, but of course, we don't really know what causes autism, so we can never be entirely certain until the cause(s) have been found.

All things considered, I think it's clearly better to get the vaccines so we can prevent serious diseases than it is to gamble with a child's health and life because of a believed, but unproven link between vaccines and autism
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Jim Carey came under fire recently for speaking out against vaccines. The governor of Cali made it mandatory for children to get vaccines. This is a controversial topic. However, I feel that many people just do what they are told without questioning anything. I am anti vaccine. This is due the fact that my aunt has a son that is autistic and she was paid a settlement check from a pharmaceutical company. It was confirmed in her case that the vaccine caused his autism. She has endured so much trying to parent him. For me, no amount of money is worth my children's health. For me seeing what she has gone through has made it VERY difficult for me to believe anything that doctors have to say when it comes to vaccinations. I want to know you all feel about vaccinations. People attacked Jim for his views and I dont appreciate that...kuddos to him for making a stance.

Here is a CNN link about it.
Why Jim Carrey is wrong about vaccination (Opinion) -

It's interesting, the link you provided, because it gives an excellent argument IN FAVOR of vaccines.

Millions of baby boomers like myself were vaccinated as children, and if vaccines cause autism, we'd all be autistic now, each and every one of us. Obviously that's not the case.
It's interesting, the link you provided, because it gives an excellent argument IN FAVOR of vaccines.

Millions of baby boomers like myself were vaccinated as children, and if vaccines cause autism, we'd all be autistic now, each and every one of us. Obviously that's not the case.

We were vaccinated, but for different, fewer, diseases and on a different schedule than today's babies. For example, I had measles, rubella, mumps, and varicella viruses as a child, as the vaccines did not exist. My children, born late 80's, early 90's were vaccinated against these and many more.

I am not an anti-vaxer or autism-causer, but I would not necessarily follow the schedule and timing of vaccines recommended for today's newborns. And with my yearly influenza vaccine, I request the single dose vial (no mercury preservative.)
We were vaccinated, but for different, fewer, diseases and on a different schedule than today's babies. For example, I had measles, rubella, mumps, and varicella viruses as a child, as the vaccines did not exist. My children, born late 80's, early 90's were vaccinated against these and many more.

I am not an anti-vaxer or autism-causer, but I would not necessarily follow the schedule and timing of vaccines recommended for today's newborns. And with my yearly influenza vaccine, I request the single dose vial (no mercury preservative.)
You had measles, mumps, AND rubella as a child? Damn.
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We were vaccinated, but for different, fewer, diseases and on a different schedule than today's babies. For example, I had measles, rubella, mumps, and varicella viruses as a child, as the vaccines did not exist. My children, born late 80's, early 90's were vaccinated against these and many more.

Me too...measles, mumps, chickenpox...not sure I had rubella but my sister did.

Same here.

I also had chickenpox, rubella and mumps. I had mumps for a second time in my twenties!:rolleyes: I don't think I had measles as a kid but I know I had whooping cough.

We chose to give our daughter her first dosages of the vaccines separately instead of the all-in-one jabs.

If I had kids that is probably what I would do.
My grandkids got all of their vaccines separately and spread out.
For the record, I have survived all of the vaccines required for children to attend school in Massachusetts and have yet to be diagnosed with autism. Same goes for every kid I ever went to school with, for that matter.
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Both me and my daughter had chicken pox, I don't remember if I had anything else. I got vaccinated at school for rubella.

My daughter had a seizure after getting a dpt vaccination. The doctor thought it was probably the pertussis and left it out of future vaccines. And then as a teenager she needed one that the school says wasn't on her record, mmr I think. She passed out after getting that one and didn't feel well the rest of the day. I'm glad I don't have a young child today to worry about. After seeing those things happen to my daughter, especially the seizure, I'm not sure how many vaccines I would feel comfortable getting them.

I know they are being selective with which ones my granddaughter is getting due to the reactions they caused in my daughter.

I never worried about autism, but I did worry about brain damage after the seizure.
If I rightly remember back in the 60's we had TB, tetanus, polio, smallpox and diphtheria vaccinations. In those days, they were done at school by nurses and I don't remember any child not being vaccinated.

However, I do remember a young boy ( I was 8 yrs old) who had polio and was in a wheelchair. The image of the poor boy has always stuck in my mind. I don't know whether it was because he hadn't received the vaccine that he had contracted the disease.

I'm most thankful for the vaccination programme that was put in place. I'm certain that many of us would either have had one of those dreadful illnesses if it weren't for the excellent health system at that time.
I think it was the same for me...aside from the itching from the measles and pox, I think I felt the most sick from the mumps.

The mumps was terrible for me as an adult, I had to have three weeks off work and I lost about 15 lbs.