Uni Project

Hi Fran,

How about:
  • a list of vegan-friendly cafes and restaurants
  • a list of vegan specialty items at every grocery shop in town
  • a list of vegan-friendly local schools?
  • article/list about any relevant meet-ups or other events (e.g. vegan runners) in the area, not necessarily ones exclusively for vegans, could be "carbon cutters", environment protection related and so on
  • articles about upcoming vegan festivals near by?
  • article about veg box schemes?
  • interviews with local vegans?
Also, an idea I got from web pages I've seen from the NHS: The pages should be reviewed regularly and updated as needed. You should state the date of the last review and update, and the date for when they are scheduled to be reviewed next.
welcome to the forum Fran

I would love a list of the local vegetable farmers, preferably vegan farmers or at least organic. Also, if there are any greenhouses in the areas that sell directly to the public.

Emma JC
I think everyone has just about covered it but I would emphasize social groups, events or meet ups. Vegans at school can meet other vegans on a college campus, but other adults might wish to meet local vegans, attend vegan-friendly events (could be vegetarian, environmental, or animal focused if not totally vegan), or even get involved in activism in your town or the nearest city.