TV & Film Tom Cruise Kills It as Axl Rose Clone

What do I love about Tom Cruise? Let's see... there are so many things!

His eating habits are amazing. Consuming the placenta of your newborn baby is a widely honored tradition! It reminds me of the aliens from Alien Nation, when they would eat parts of the egg... and those guys were all swell fellows, so why not follow their example?

Tom is also an inspiration because of the kindly, loving way he treats his wife. He really knew best when he told her not to take pain medications for her excruciating live birth! Way to go, Tom! There's the kind of guy that never backs down on his beliefs!
What do I love about Tom Cruise? Let's see... there are so many things!

His eating habits are amazing. Consuming the placenta of your newborn baby is a widely honored tradition! It reminds me of the aliens from Alien Nation, when they would eat parts of the egg... and those guys were all swell fellows, so why not follow their example?

Wait, Scientologists do this? :barf: