Theories - Time Travel, Parallel Dimensions, Etc.

Wormholes are better for that than black holes. The warping of the very fabric of space can sometimes return things to an earlier state in their existence.

Black holes, however... WOOOSH! BOOM!
have you thought about recycling?


I have and that's why I throw my garbage into holes in space that are black.

Eventually the black holes evaporate and release all that matter and energy back into the universe in an unadulterated state. :yes:
I wonder what the process of black hole radiation is, because I don't think it is Hawking radiation, although I would bet that the HR equations are pretty close at predicting rates etc.

I think that the ball of matter collapses, but the collapse slows right down due to time dilation.....I think it would be interesting to see how matter that densely packet behaved(mass of a star the size of a tennis ball, maybe)...I think it must bubble off, or shoot off particles, and radiation that would look like HR.
I like that he came up with the idea for Hawking Radiation, I just think that what ever is going on is different to the event-horizon model.

I love the idea that black holes evaporate.....objects collapsing eternally would be a bit depressing, if there was no way out of that situation....

I wish I could be assed to read Roger Penrose's 'Cycles of Time' about his ideas of how the universe works on cycles of big bangs, or something.....I believe it anyway......if everything starts of as radiation that turns into particles that collapse into starts.....and then it all evaporates again into radiation(maybe proton decay), then we end up with just radiation, an voilà, another big bang.