Nutrition & Diet The Dairy Thread

Every now and then on the Internet, people discover something about food that you thought everyone already knew. Hey, we're all learning, right?​
"Today years old when I found out Parmesan cheese is made from baby cow’s stomach & I could go cry," one user wrote on Twitter, prompting others to learn this too. "I’m just gonna have to go full vegan at this point."​ People I know know, and while they may cringe talking about it, it's like hot dogs--they still eat it
Every now and then on the Internet, people discover something about food that you thought everyone already knew. Hey, we're all learning, right?​
"Today years old when I found out Parmesan cheese is made from baby cow’s stomach & I could go cry," one user wrote on Twitter, prompting others to learn this too. "I’m just gonna have to go full vegan at this point."​

ew ugh - I definitely have never heard this before and I used to loooove parmesan and ate tons of it prior to being vegan - even then if I had known this was how it was made I would have been disgusted and used an alternative

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
ew ugh - I definitely have never heard this before and I used to loooove parmesan and ate tons of it prior to being vegan - even then if I had known this was how it was made I would have been disgusted and used an alternative

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
Plant Based News saw that article and ran with it.

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We are talking about milk made in a vat. It's almost identical to cow's milk. If you have been following along this goes back to the Perfect Day company which makes whey protein with GMO bacteria.

More labels.
Mostly because of the confusion brought by the fake milk industry
Not Dairy Free. Nor is it Animal Free (at least not entirely). So now it's vegan friendly.

BTW, Forbes not only has some really good reporters, but the editorial staff seems to be...vegan friendly. :)

Some good quotes from the article.

...... we’re drowning in not-milk options. From soy beans to fava beans, rice to coconuts, almonds to pecans, oats to sesame, is there a plant out there that hasn’t been milked yet?​
What we mean is genuine article, chemically and genetically “real” milk, but made with zero animal involvement, thus straddling the bridge (and bending the minds) of vegans. It could be the future of dairy.​
Using precision fermentation, an age-old process that co-opts microflora’s natural biological processes to turn them into “cell factories” that produce enzymes, vitamins, pigments, fats and more, they were able to teach the flora to replicate the DNA sequence of dairy milk. The result is a strain of beta-lactoglobulin whey protein genetically identical to that which makes true cow’s milk that is technically purer than the real deal since it’s free of lactose, cholesterol, hormones and antibiotics.​
....remember that fermentation has been a natural part of global human diets for centuries. This process and all these bitty flora are what we can thank for sourdough bread, kimchi, cheese, beer, vinegar, and now, animal-free dairy. And while the microflora is genetically engineered, the milk protein they make is not, so it still counts as non-GMO.​
People make the switch from dairy milk to plant-based milks for a lot of reasons. For some, it’s ethical. There are many who feel the dairy industry is inherently cruel, and extreme waste due to processor availability is undeniable. Then there’s the whole problem of bovine emissions to consider, as climate change looms overhead.​

One thing the article and the company are ignoring is the health hazards. Although not entirely established, anyone who read or watched Forks over Knives, understand that whey protein comes with some health risks.
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Well now we have "vegan" cheese that contains casein.
This company has genetically modified the soy plant to produce casein (casein is the protein that up until now was only found in animal products.)
So we have a soy milk based cheese product that is more cheese like.
I guess it's vegan cause it doesn't utilize animals.
But I remember the chapter in Forks Over Knives which had casein fed rats growing tumors.

Well, early days. We will see what happens.
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How about this FTW. (For the Win)

A student who was told not to share information about the negative impacts of dairy milk had her right to free speech violated, a landmark ruling has found.​
As part of the settlement, the school district also said it will support giving soy milk to students who request it.​
Despite the problems dairy causes to humans and animals, a federal law dictates that cow’s milk must be offered at every school lunch and breakfast served under the USDA’s National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program.​
The settlement sets a precedent for students’ right to speak out against the harms of dairy.​
Deborah Press added: “While the dairy industry may have used its political might to force milk into school meals, schools can’t silence students who want to speak out about a product they see as bad for health, animals, and the planet.”​


I read somewhere that people were very worried and didn't know what to do.
Have they considered ditching dairy?
Of course not.
Everyone knows that Calcium is only found in cows.

and... in the everything old is new again department

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Spent the last 5 minutes trying to come up with something clever or funny about this. but somethings just defy comments.

Yikes! That is just nuts! I lived on a small dairy farm when I was a small child and even way back then, we had a small pasteurizer and would NEVER drink our cow's milk raw!
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