Animal Advocacy The Beginner's Guide To Activism


Jun 8, 2012
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
I know we have a few seasoned activists on here, so I'd thought it'd be a good idea to have a topic where those in the know can share their tips and tricks for getting started. The idea of getting involved in something like this can be pretty daunting for some, even if they might want to help out, and plenty of others simply don't know where to start. So share your knowledge! Ideas on starting small, useful resources, advice... Anything you can think of.

And if anyone does have any questions on the subject, this thread can be used to ask them :)
I think the best way to get active is to volunteer with an established organization that you admire.
Leafleting and/or poster holding is more fun and safe in a group. Many of the major animal rights groups will send leaflets and posters for fairly nominal amounts. Some will even send you free material. Check their websites often.
Most local organizations have a need for folks to pitch in on gruntwork - stuffing envelopes, that sort of thing. Ain't glamorous, but it is a good way to get involved. And absolutely vital.
I like this thread. What do you have to do to be considered an "activist" I wonder?