Tescos Free From range!


Aug 14, 2015
Reaction score
  1. Vegan
Hi guys!

I was wondering if anyone has tried anything from the Tescos "Free From" range?! Was in there this morning and they had loads of things that are suitable for vegans but thought I'd get some opinions before buying and trying.
I sometimes do as I'm allergic to dairy, it's very overpriced and I would only have it as a treat. It's worth looking at some of the normal stuff as they sometimes use oil instead of butter for example in mince pies.
You also have to be careful with those as most stuff is not actually vegan and is dairy free but will contain eggs. Nearly made that mistake myself, but then again that may be just my stupidity. The cheese is quite nice :)
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Reactions: Damo and Remi
You also have to be careful with those as most stuff is not actually vegan and is dairy free but will contain eggs. Nearly made that mistake myself, but then again that may be just my stupidity. The cheese is quite nice :)
Tesco do free from cheese? :eek:
You also have to be careful with those as most stuff is not actually vegan and is dairy free but will contain eggs. Nearly made that mistake myself, but then again that may be just my stupidity. The cheese is quite nice :)
I did not know this either... Interesting! (Tesco's soy cheese that is.)