Star Wars: The Old Republic


I don't know what to put here.
Jun 1, 2012
Reaction score
Does anyone play this?
I had tried it out a while back, on my brother's account, and really liked it.
Well, today they have come out with free-to-play. I'm downloading/installing it right now.
Looking forward to it.
I have been playing SWTOR since June as a paying subscriber. However, now that it is going f2p, I will be playing that way next month. I really like the game!! :D
I have characters on both sides and I think I like being evil best!! :D
Haha. Yeah, I'll probably have characters on both sides.
I know there are some restrictions with f2p, and I think they will be offering some things you can pay for. I'm really not sure how much I will "miss" having the paid for stuff, if I never had it to begin with. I imagine it would be different for those that are switching from paid to f2p. My brother has not decided if he will switch yet or not.
There will be some restrictions of course on the f2p version. Since I have been a subscriber, I am given "preferred" status on the f2p and some restrictions are lifted. Of course I have yet to see what that might mean! I went from paying to free on Everquest II and they were pretty decent about allowing some perks over the free version. I really can't afford to pay a subscription and the only way I was doing so was with points and money earned from doing online surveys. And my ex paid one month for me so we could play together. :D
I quit playing this game ages ago as the f2p version ended up being really bad. Made me sad as I really liked the game. :(
I really don't know what you mean by "add people."
That's a shame, I'be been really liking it on F2P, as I couldn't afford it otherwise. I thought there was some way to play with friends, that's all. If not, it's no big deal.
Perhaps if I had never been a paid subscriber, I would have been satisfied with the f2p version. However, it was like we were being punished when we switched as they took things away. :(