Reinforcement of our beliefs


Forum Legend
Aug 12, 2017
Reaction score
  1. Vegan
The memory of an incident in August is still coming to the forefront of my mind.

I visited a farmer neighbour who happened to be sorting spring lambs. Each went onto the weighing scales. The ones that had gained sufficient weight were spray marked on the rump, destined immediately for market. The “lucky” underweight ones would survive another month or two before meeting the same fate.

The majority of humanity seem to think it is acceptable to bring creatures into this world and then to snuff out those lives, however short, when it is most convenient or profitable. We need to change that.

Would others on the forum like to share a specific experience that either totally confirmed their commitment to veganism or perhaps led to their initial conversion?
In June 2014 I went to the Pantanal in Brazil and there was a horseback ride which culminated in a boat trip where we fished piranha. I got in the boat with my friends but I was opposed to fishing. However, they handed me some small piranha to kill that they'd just caught and gave me a knife, but I wouldn't do it. The fish was just quite still in my hand, I had a knife pressed lightly against its skull. All I had to do was exert the tiniest amount of force to kill it. There was no blood or gore or difficulty. It was purely for ethical reasons that I did not want to kill it. So I didn't.

Later that evening when we had piranha for dinner, I ate it. However I realized this didn't make any sense and there was a hyprocrisy that needed addressing at some point.

Eventually in the last few months of 2015 I read some books, articles, discussed in forums, spoke to people I knew. Really did a thorough research and after that I decided to cut out meat, fish, eggs, dairy and other things from my lifestyle.
Have you ever heard of buck fever? I come from a family of deer hunters. Although, I have never hunted deer, you often hear of buck fever stories with those being afflicted as the butt of the joke. I always felt that they were the heroes.
The “lucky” underweight ones would survive another month or two before meeting the same fate.

Today, while out for my constitutional, I saw some of the “lucky” ones being loaded up for transportation. These are some of the same lambs that, only a few months ago, greatly amused me playing “King Of The Castle” on a mound in a field opposite my house.

So sad........... Come on Roger Old Boy. Snap out of it. Isn’t there an expression something along the lines of being able to judge which things you can influence and which you cannot?

Or better still is the aphorism: “Ne te carborundum illegitemi.”
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