Re: The vegan diet is the best for human health

Second Summer

Staff member
Apr 26, 2012
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Oxfordshire, UK
  1. Vegan
I was just reading this article by David Katz, M.D. in HuffPo:
When my vegan friends and colleagues say that a vegan diet is categorically the best for human health, it is an excess of zeal. We simply do not have evidence to substantiate the claim. I know; I've looked- hard.

If you are inclined to doubt my assertion, just consider what such evidence would look like. [...] I think what we really mean is: leads, on average, to the most years in life, and the most life in years over an entire lifetime. The "best health" is enjoyed by people who live long, and prosper from their enduring vitality.

Given that, the trial to show that any given diet is truly "the best" has not been done, and is unlikely ever to be done.
More: Zeal, Veal and Veganism | David Katz, M.D. (20. July 2015)

So while this starts out with some reservations about what can be scientifically proven about diets, and Katz is not a vegan himself, he comes around and supports veganism (or at least mostly plant-based diets) because of ethics and environmental reasons.

I think when most vegans say that the vegan diet is the best for human health, it's meant as a statement of belief, not a statement of scientifically established fact. That belief might of course be based on supporting scientific evidence, but not definite proof.
I think when most vegans say that the vegan diet is the best for human health, it's meant as a statement of belief, not a statement of scientifically established fact. That belief might of course be based on supporting scientific evidence, but not definite proof.

because a vegan can eat mainly junk food, and an omnie can eat all whole foods with a moderate amount of meat, the statement is obviously false.
In my case, I'm sure a vegan diet is better for my health. I'd likely eat cheese, milk or some kind of dairy at every meal if I weren't vegan. And because of that, I'd probably be much heavier and be on cholesterol medication like my parents.
And this is why VEGANS (who do it for "the animals") are not the same as PLANT BASED EATERS (who do it, mainly, for themselves).

If, however, you do consider MENTAL health and KARMA, then I have to say that a vegan diet is definitely a lot better for you than a non-vegan one.
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