Post something cool from tumblr

Along the same lines...


They don't really have anywhere to go, do they?

Winona Ryder in high school

“I was wearing an old Salvation Army shop boy’s suit. As I went to the bathroom I heard people saying, ‘Hey, ******’. They slammed my head into a locker. I fell to the ground and they started to kick the **** out of me. I had to have stitches. The school kicked me out, not the bullies.

“Years later, I went to a coffee shop and I ran into one of the girls who’d kicked me, and she said, ‘Winona, Winona, can I have your autograph?’ And I said, ‘Do you remember me? Remember in seventh grade you beat up that kid?’ And she said, ‘Kind of’. And I said, ‘That was me. Go **** yourself.’”​
I love that post...Im glad she did that. I hope the other girl felt really hard about what she did even all that time ago, and perhaps will pass that feeling any kids she may have.
If I ever have kids, I will teach them that people who are picked on in school have a tendancy to grow up and be AWESOME. So if they are picked on, they'll know it gets better, and if they pick on people, they will come to regret it. Not that I'd want either thing for any potential kids, but it's a good life lesson.