UK Places to eat in London


Forum Legend
Sep 15, 2013
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A week before my trip to London, and the frustraiting planning where to eat have started.

I’m spoiled living in Norway I think, with strick rules about marking allergies on the menus, so I struggle a bit finding good restaurants.

So have you any good suggestions? I need food free from gluten, nuts, peanut and all kind of beans. Coconut are fine, and soy is at trial now so also fine. I prefer vegan places, so I don’t need to think about traces of animal products.

I will stay not far from Tower Bridge, but have both legs to walk on and is able to use both bus and the metro. So doesn’t need to be just around the corner.
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Have you looked in the UK forum ? There are quite a few posts in the UK Restaurant Recommendations and in the London News threads.
A week before my trip to London, and the frustraiting planning where to eat have started.

I’m spoiled living in Norway I think, with strick rules about marking allergies on the menus, so I struggle a bit finding good restaurants.

So have you any good suggestions? I need food free from gluten, nuts, peanut and all kind of beans. Coconut are fine, and soy is at trial now so also fine. I prefer vegan places, so I don’t need to think about traces of animal products.

I will stay not far from Tower Bridge, but have both legs to walk on and is able to use both bus and the metro. So doesn’t need to be just around the corner.
Check Happy Cow! :up:

I’m doing it. And both the web site and Facebook pages of the ones that have interesting food. But most of them are horribel to list allergens on the online menus. :(

I found one nice looking place in Camden with burgers, but they fry everything in the same place. So that was a no go. :(
I’m doing it. And both the web site and Facebook pages of the ones that have interesting food. But most of them are horribel to list allergens on the online menus. :(

I found one nice looking place in Camden with burgers, but they fry everything in the same place. So that was a no go. :(
Oh, I forgot about your allergies... my apologies. :fp: Well, I certainly hope you can find some tasty eats during your visit! :)
Oh, I forgot about your allergies... my apologies. :fp: Well, I certainly hope you can find some tasty eats during your visit! :)


I think I can! Just a bit more work than for normal people... :p And a reason why shorter trips have to be my kind of travel, if I end up eating too much of the same food. :p