Pet Shaming


Jun 8, 2012
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Manchester, UK
The VV version of dog shaming. Post whenever your companion animals do something naughty, that you can't really be mad at them for because they're so fluffy and adorable <3 Bonus points for pictures!

Today, kitty got into her christmas presents. Boyfriend sent me an email about it. There was a lot of rustling, and when he investigated he found her inside a bag with her face stuck in a box that contained some (apparently irresistible) kitty treats :3
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hehe naughty kitty,

One night about 2 months ago we woke up because there was a loud smash in the kitchen downstairs. M and i went to investigate..couldnt see anything. But then I noticed a vase on the floor and freaked out thinking ghosts or something...then Dill appeared from behind the fridge. I hadnt closed his cage properly and he escaped and had a party in the kitchen chewing papers and books, and climbing on everything. I was 3am but we couldnt help but laugh!
I wish I had a count of how many times I've found Quinn in this very same position. I used to think she was descended from one of Tommy Chong's cats
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I have my hay racks hanging over litter boxes to catch falling hay bits. Amelia likes to eat from outside the litter box, though, butt on the floor and front paws on the edge of the litter box. Problem? She also likes to pee while she's snacking on hay. This was not a problem in her permanent pen, but the bonding pen is in the living room - over wood floors. There's now a black stain in the wood where sits and pees.
(I clean it up when I see it, but sometimes it will be there most of the day before I get home and clean it.)

But she's beautiful and I can't be angry with her!
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Great thread !

It reminds me of a post on my other forum. One of the members used to get her monthly delivery from delivered through the letter box. One evening when she got back from work, she
discovered the packet empty. The outer layers of packing intact and not one single chocolate in sight !

The two pooches had demolished the lot. Happily it was all milk chocolate and they didn't neet to go
to the vets.o_O
I posted these on the Bunny Shaming facebook page:


These are so cute.:)

Someone on a forum I'm on was making the argument that pet shaming was wrong because the photos humiliated the animals, and they were being completely serious!:rofl:
Ivy has a new game.

It's called "wait until human is asleep, decide that their feet must be something really evil that is twitching slightly under the blankets, and attempt to rescue human by jumping on and chewing said feet".

Mine does that too, I really need to make sure my blanket covers my feet or else I am guaranteed to wake up somewhere in the night with a clawing kitty on my toe :(
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Shame on all of you with all this pet shaming.

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Thor looks like he was nice and high on catnip. He must have had himself a good time!

Love the rabbit pictures too. Especially the litter box ones.

I wouldn't even know where to start with my girls. Always in trouble!
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Boyfriend is in trouble. He has taught the cat how to 'boop' noses. Like this:


So, this morning, to wake me up, Ivy sat next to me on the bed and repeatedly booped my nose. When I covered my nose with the duvet, she carried on doing it to my head. Would not be a problem if Ivy's claws weren't so sharp!
I actually have seen some photos where the animals were humiliated. Like the animal having a toilet accident and having to sit next to a sign talking about it and the animal has obviously just been told off and has a sad look on its face. Or a sign saying it eats its own poop or vomit. That kind of stuff really rubs me up the wrong way.

And a few of the pictures on animal shaming blogs I have got a pretty bad vibe from. But I know that wont happen here. : )
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