Opinions on PETA as Vegans?


Forum Devotee
Aug 1, 2018
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Austin, TX
  1. Vegan
Im not entirely sure I put this in the right thread but here we go.

I guess Im wondering, are any of yall PETA supporters? I personally have a LOT of problems with them as an organization despite the fact that I stand for most of the things they advocate. Id say my biggest issue has always been the kill rate of PETA's shelters, which is higher than that of the average kill shelter, and deeply dislike the "better off dead" attitude they have towards many animals, even ones that could have long fulfilling lives as companion animals or sanctuaries. Not to mention their sexist adds. Therefore, I choose to advocate and donate to other organizations.
However, I still use information from their website and free stuff like recipe guides. And I occasionally still watch their videos when my roomate isnt around to catch me doing it >->

So, are any of yall PETA supporters and/or members? If so, why? What are the benefits of this organization over others and how do you reconcile with the negative aspects of the organization? Or do you have any rebuttals to the things Ive mentioned?
For those of you who don't like PETA or are indifferent, what are some other vegan or animal rights organizations do you affiliate with and why?
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Yeah, Peta's pretty controversial. Frankly, I think they're their own worst enemies. I used to love them and support them, now not so much. I've had several friends work for them over the years and they're not an easy employer. But there's no doubt that they've done an awful lot of good in the world and have saved a lot of animals.

There are several threads on this already, so you may want to run a search on this topic.
Yeah, Peta's pretty controversial. Frankly, I think they're their own worst enemies. I used to love them and support them, now not so much. I've had several friends work for them over the years and they're not an easy employer. But there's no doubt that they've done an awful lot of good in the world and have saved a lot of animals.

There are several threads on this already, so you may want to run a search on this topic.
I did a search but only found a few posts with people linking to their site as a source for something they were talking about. But Ill take a look!
Take a look here:

Those two seem to be the longest / most actively discussed threads:

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Take a look here:

Those two seem to be the longest / most actively discussed threads:

Oh thank you! Id delete the thread but I kinda dont know how