Not much of a meat eater


Aug 6, 2017
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I don't eat much meat. I never bring red meat home. I have always known being a Vegan is the best way to go. Or should I say eating like a Vegan is the best way to eat but I suffer from depression so it's hard for me. I eat about 2 maybe 3 hamburger per month when I get down. I gave up the TV dinners. So I'm on this site for support and I hope I can do better with what I eat. Years ago I did pretty good eating a Vegan diet but now I feel lost.
I don't eat much meat. I never bring red meat home. I have always known being a Vegan is the best way to go. Or should I say eating like a Vegan is the best way to eat but I suffer from depression so it's hard for me. I eat about 2 maybe 3 hamburger per month when I get down. I gave up the TV dinners. So I'm on this site for support and I hope I can do better with what I eat. Years ago I did pretty good eating a Vegan diet but now I feel lost.

I feel you. I too am having my own personal problems and all I want to do is eat chocolate :D

For you, I suggest eating black bean burgers instead. They are real easy to make at home - slap on that onion and tomatoe and mustard and pickles and ketchup and it tastes WAYYY better than a beef burger. Smash burger offers these burgers too by the way.

There's tons of recipes online for vegan recipes. "Minimalist Baker .com" has a ton of awesome recipes. Vegan cookies. Vegan biscuits. Go for it! :)

(And, I just went Vegan last week, finally said "**** it" and quit all animal products!)
Try and find some vegan comfort food and keep it home. Like chips/fries and toast. Or packets of chips/crips. Or as said above a different type of burger. Or keep some vegan ice cream in the house. Or vegan dark chocolate. Or, just, whatever works for you.

I bought some popcorn, peanuts, crips and biscuits today and shoved them in the cupboard for when I feel like. All vegan I think, or if not very close.

Do you think experimenting with cooking will help, or do you want easy to prepare stuff?

Vegan does not necessarily just mean brown organic rice and vegetables and fruits and salads.