Non vegans who 'care'&'love' Animals

Just bringing the conversation back to the topic, I don't "love" animals, whatever that means (I really don't know what people mean when they say that). And I don't think most people do love animals. Instead, most people may have some wonder for some animals, they may prefer animals not to be hurt or treated badly and they may have some kind of respect, but I really don't believe that the average person has some kind of deep attachment such that they would want to treat them like members of their family. Heck, I don't even love other human beings and I doubt most people do either.

I originally went down the vegan path to prevent cruel treatment of other animals if I could, then after learning more I saw veganism as about being fair to other animals. But it honestly doesn't bother me if people have to kill animals for food, though I'd prefer it to be done as humanely as possible (ie as stress/pain free as possible). I think the reason most people aren't much bothered by killing animals for food is that they see them as food.

I don't think that points to any particular disconnect, it's just being realistic I suppose. That said, few people seem willing to be concerned by how animals are treated to provide their food, which does bother me. I just never knew about "factory farming", but as soon as I did I was horrified and changed what I do. Not out of love but out of simple compassion.