Yes vegans and veganism are discriminated against.
Part of it is what we call cognitive dissonance. And your original post is just more evidence that this is the issue and a real problem.
There was some poll, (I'm not going to take the time to look it up right now) about how many people donate to animal-type charities. Not just the ASPCA but also things like Wildlife Conservatory, WWW, etc.
the number of people who care about animals (and voter with their wallets) way exceeds the number of vegans.
It blows my mind that people who are concerned about animals don't see anything wrong with eating them.
I volunteered at the local animal shelter for a while, and I wasn't surprised or shocked but no one there but me was vegan.
Thank you for sharing that. Cognitive dissonace is a big reality for many.
i invited women in my yoga class to a vegan potluck. Out of about 25 people, 2 said directly they did not want to be at a 'vegan' potluck, and in the end only 5 people attended. two in my class, who attended, were actually vegan. One new woman in the past few months i also found out is vegan, but I would not have known if I had not told her i was vegan. I know that some humans are more open-minded than others, but I was surprised so many seemed afraid to attend.
I have a sweet friend who has donated to peta for years, but she does eat some marine life and is not vegetarian or vegan.
I had a vegan friend up north who would attend the in-person fundraisers for animal shelters. She said all of them had
a barbeque of some kind, with animals products, during the event to raise $ for cat and dog rescues. She said she told them,
don't you think its' ironic that you are cooking animals, yet saving others?.
i have found that humans love the animals that live in their homes, those they touch, cuddle with, nurture, feed, and
even walk. Farm and marine animals however, are distant to us and are seen only as the food on our plates, They are also
part of an addictive habitual diet. I grew up doing that. I wonder if thats' why we can love some humans and hate or discriminate
against others. we see them as distant from us. Strange stuff.