Messed up, now back


Forum Legend
Jan 5, 2018
Reaction score
  1. Vegan
Hi everyone,

I messed up and fell off the vegan wagon for 4 days. It started on Mother's Day (U.S. Mother's Day, last Sunday). Then my daughter went into the hospital, and I was really stressed and just ate whatever the hospital cafeteria was serving (not meat or eggs, "just" cheese). I'm back to veganism now, but I feel bad that I let convenience trump ethics for a few days. Today is the first day I've posted in awhile, because I felt too ashamed.

I am trying to eat healthier after my 4 day unhealthy food spree. I am doing the daily dozen. Oh, I have to go, but I will be back.
I know why dairy is bad... That's why I am a vegan. I messed up mostly because I was in the hospital with my daughter, and it was easier to be able to eat more than salad. In the future, I won't make the same choice.
Thank you for the welcome back, Veganite! I appreciate it! I was nervous about coming back due to possible negative reactions. I have seen some negative ones to other people on other forums. But, I really wanted to come back, because I like this forum.
The only person you need to please is yourself. I doubt anyone here will judge you, and if they do ignore them because it's none of their business what you eat. I was just explaining how I deal with the temptation of eating cheese, I remember that article.
Thank you, winston. I appreciate it. I am not going to read the article because the dairy industry disturbs me and I don't want to think about what I ate during those few days. I am not going to do it again.

Thank you again, winston!
I hope your daughter is doing better! Stress is a trigger for all sorts of backsliding.

I've been making an effort to avoid oil, caffeine and alcohol...lapsed on all 3 in the last 24 hrs! Your mess up doesn't make all the days you didn't eat cheese count any less. How long have you been vegan?
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Thank you, Sax. My daughter is not doing so well, but hopefully she will feel better soon!

I have been vegetarian for 13 years, with a few periods of veganism in there. This time, I have been vegan since December 26, 2017, minus those four days this week. I am not going back to eating dairy this time. Thank you for pointing out that the days I DIDN'T eat cheese still count! I appreciate that.

I bet avoiding oil can be challenging. I recently saw on this site that olive oil is not so good for you, so I looked into it. Indeed, it's not. I seriously had thought it was! For the past 3 days, I have been trying to eat mostly whole foods and have been trying to get my fat from things like avocados. It has actually been quite delicious, but oil seems like it would be hard to avoid in baked goods, which I like. Good luck on avoiding oil, caffein, and alcohol! I have confidence in you!
Stress can do a lot of things to us. I've been really stressed lately and I went to taco bell. Felt awful after but it did help my stress. Don't feel bad stuff happens. A few days is not going to break you. I hope your daughter gets well soon. Sucks when our children get sick.
Thank you, Amberfunk! I hope she gets well soon too! I am glad to be back to being vegan!
Hi! I hope your daughter is better.
Don't worry about messing up now and again. Just learn from your mistakes and try to be a full time vegan in future.
Thanks, VeganDreama. She is doing better than she was.

I definitely learned from my mistake.
I don't know what to say... It's horrible that you had to go through this. I hope that your daughter gets better! Messing up isn't the end... You overcome stronger and wiser than you used to be. Take care.

Thank you for saying that. I think you're right: it will make me stronger and wiser than before. Thank you for the well-wishes for my daughter!
Hi everyone,

I messed up and fell off the vegan wagon for 4 days. It started on Mother's Day (U.S. Mother's Day, last Sunday). Then my daughter went into the hospital, and I was really stressed and just ate whatever the hospital cafeteria was serving (not meat or eggs, "just" cheese). I'm back to veganism now, but I feel bad that I let convenience trump ethics for a few days. Today is the first day I've posted in awhile, because I felt too ashamed.

I am trying to eat healthier after my 4 day unhealthy food spree. I am doing the daily dozen. Oh, I have to go, but I will be back.

Sounds like that shame hindered you in reporting, something that vvould have described to a community the damage and "break in a chain".

I have akin issue; having relapsed to sugar not having been in contact vvith the mother, dad nor siblings to me. A lot of.. Anger..

I am unable to vvrite to her as this involves her feeling bad and fearing their stopping sugar to be the cause (possibly part in this, to no be bound to these as the only non-sugar eaters I knevv); vvriting more vvould involve lingual structure being expressed and this being read, seeing and figuring out. Causing manipulation to keep happening. (knovving me + hovv I vvrite vvould reveal various things that I do not trust these to knovv. Likely the same for pretty much everyone else).

Its kind of sad, family has been pretty much broken dovvn and ties destroyed and ruined. 2016 psychiatry for me involved a need to "exist"/"live" so deeply that contact to these is like an issue..

-- --
I have to be afraid of vvriting things like this; it could end up perceived as insanity/paranoia and ..
No I do not feel like a covvard for such reason, its too messed up a level and lacking relateability. (thoughts about "gaian protector" some vvhile back).

Slavery and things like vvhat I vvent through in 2016; breaking dovvn both mental, spiritual and bodily (and microbial) immune systems.
This makes for infection.
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