Less domesticated animals, more wild animals

I'd prefer less domesticated animals in the world

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    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 1 25.0%

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Hopefully that will change! I know more and more people who are feeding dogs vegan food. A couple of local friends use half vegan/half non-vegan because they're not completely convinced that a full vegan diet is optimum. :rolleyes: But at least that cuts down on the meat based food they're buying.

I always thought that dogs were omni. What kind of protein is in the vegan dog food ?
I'm going to buy some vegan dry dog food to feed my dogs. I did try it before but they ignored it completely and I can't remember the brand. Benevo maybe? A woman on a pet forum said she mixed it with some type of oil to get her dog to eat the veg dog food. I might have to go and see if I can find her posts on the subject.

Dogs are omni - which means they can do well on a plant-based diet. Here's the website - there's an ingredient list.

Vegetarian Dry Dog Formula - Natural Balance Pet Foods

We buy the canned food on occasion as well, but it's harder for me to regulate the serving size. It is tasty, though, I've tried it :)

Do you serve it completely dry or mix it with something else?
There is some evidence that the ancestors of today's dogs domesticated themselves in part. Meat-eating humans cause far more suffering than meat-eating pets. Why not focus on getting rid of human carnivores before worrying about what dogs and cats eat?

Maybe it's selfish, but I'll never live without dogs.
A smaller human population would also mean smaller pet population. Both are a positive. Personally I'd focus on snakes and birds before I'd focus on dogs and cats. No reason they should have become pets.
Do you serve it completely dry or mix it with something else?

Mine eat it dry now. We started out by mixing it with their previous dry dog food. And I do mix in some canned on occasion.

We have a lot of fosters come through. Most eat the vegan food just fine, especially mixed with the canned,but once in a while we get one who just won't eat it. When that happens, they get dry Science Diet, which is what the shelter provides.
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