It's amateur hour & I need a little help 😅


Sep 15, 2021
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San Marcos
  1. Vegan newbie
Hey guys, I'm about a month in to this new vegan lifestyle and I cant lie it feels incredible. I wish I started sooner. There's only one issue that I can't crack quite yet & excuse me if this sounds basic to guys but I'm always starving lol It feels like I'm eating like 6 times a day to get full & i dont know if I have the budget to maintain that 😅 I've been tried some recipes I found on reddit the past couple days and its helped a bit. But I need something a little more low maintenance, quick, and filling . Can anyone introduce me to some recommendations? Anything helps 🙏
Hey guys, I'm about a month in to this new vegan lifestyle and I cant lie it feels incredible. I wish I started sooner. There's only one issue that I can't crack quite yet & excuse me if this sounds basic to guys but I'm always starving lol It feels like I'm eating like 6 times a day to get full & i dont know if I have the budget to maintain that 😅 I've been tried some recipies I found on reddit the past couple days and its helped a bit. But I need something a little more low maintenance, quick, and filling . Can anyone introduce me to some recommendations? Anything helps 🙏
Also that link was kinda weird heres a better one lol
Are you eating beans, lentils, tofu, tempeh? Whole grains? A wide variety of fruits and veggies? Some nuts and seeds? Water?
Do you cook just for yourself, or others? Are you looking to eating mostly plant based, or are you ok with processed foods too?
So many variables.
Unless you're not eating enough calories you're probably just adapting to a new diet
probably you are not eating enough food.
The thing about plant based food is that it is nutrient dense. Not calorie dense.


If you change to plant based foods and don't change the size of the portions you won't get enough calories. And you will fell hungry.

I think a good thing for newbies to do is to find a meal plan made by a respectable source and follow it for a while. It sort of takes a lot of the guess work out and also helps to establish new habits

The 21 day vegan kickstart is pretty good and its free.
The Forks over Knives people have one too and the first 14 days are free.
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Oh. I just watched that YouTube video. those were some good lunch ideas. Have you tried any of them?
That video is not bad! Why OH WHY did no one tell me you can use miso like that!!! I wish that girl's voice was a bit more exciting. I often cook a lot like her but more simple. Making vegan sauce/gravy is a challenge; her secret seems to be cornstarch?

When you are really in a rush, just hummus + pita = meal 👍
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eat lots of potatoes with a simple chili on top or any way you can get them - right now potatoes are $2 for 10 lb at my local grocery store, there is little that is more nutritious and inexpensive!! bake a bunch at the same time and take them with you for snacks or store in the fridge and reheat for meals - I always make double the amount when I boil potatoes and keep the rest handy for the next few days

cans of beans are also cheap and I love chick peas mixed with some vinegar, spices, red onion, cucumber etc with a simple pita - hummus yes!! and you can make it yourself very easily too, tons of recipes out there

throw some nuts into the mix - walnuts and almonds are best and take along a mix of nuts and dried fruit like dates, raisins, etc and I also like to snack on things like cereal when I am a bit hungry but between meals (I will eat the chips instead if we have some :scream:)

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
One of the things you need to make sure you get enough of is fiber. Eating a calorie dense vegan diet low on fiber is a sure fire way to get hungry after several days. This is achieved by eating more whole foods. Resistant starch (like from potatoes) helps too.

Even though fiber isn't an energy food directly, it is an energy food for the microbes you want in your gut. When they are satisfied they will send signals to your brain that you are full. That doesn't mean you can't ever have something like white rice, but if eating it regularly, mix in nutrient dense, fiber rich foods, like whole grains, legumes, seeds and nuts as well as vegetables. With prepared food like bread, choose the whole grain high fiber kind most of the time.
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I like to get full on meat alternatives, if not that, then boiled peanuts, or chips w/ hummus or guac.
One of the things you need to make sure you get enough of is fiber. Eating a calorie dense vegan diet low on fiber is a sure fire way to get hungry after several days. This is achieved by eating more whole foods. Resistant starch (like from potatoes) helps too.

Even though fiber isn't an energy food directly, it is an energy food for the microbes you want in your gut. When they are satisfied they will send signals to your brain that you are full. That doesn't mean you can't ever have something like white rice, but if eating it regularly, mix in nutrient dense, fiber rich foods, like whole grains, legumes, seeds and nuts as well as vegetables. With prepared food like bread, choose the whole grain high fiber kind most of the time.
I just started hearing a lot about resistant starch. I prefer potatoes left over because it changes the texture. Must be where the resistant starch comes in. It’s the same with pasta and rice. I love leftovers!
Interesting about "resistant starch". I think about carbs a lot, because my diet is so carb-heavy and there's type 2 Diabetes in my Dad's family. I often make a point of exercising after a carb-heavy meal so that I won't get a huge blood-glucose spike- not hard to do, since I get around by walking. I also try not to eat too much right before bedtime, but sometimes that's hard to do because a big meal often makes me want to doze off, and sometimes a big before-bed "snack" sounds tempting.

I'm definitely a starchivore.
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here's the thing... it isn't the starch that increases Type II diabetes, it is the fat in the cells that prohibit the insulin from doing its job - so starch on its own isn't the issue it's what you put on the starch... ie butter, lots of olive oil, etc

sugar levels in the blood can elevate too much when eating sugars/starches and that is because those sugars are not being converted into glucose as they should be cause of the fatty cells

Here is my fav doctor 💕 discussing it better than I can.

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.

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Some great recommendations here

My top ideas are

1. nuts

2. and just eat larger portions - you need to eat a larger weight of food as a vegan due to animal products being calorie dense - you get to eat more food, it´s great

3. Shift the balance more towards bread/rice/potatoes rather than fruit/veg/salad
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Hé les gars, je suis depuis environ un mois dans ce nouveau style de vie végétalien et je ne peux pas mentir, c'est incroyable. J'aimerais commencer plus tôt. Il n'y a qu'un seul problème que je ne peux pas encore résoudre et excusez-moi si cela semble basique pour les gars mais je suis toujours affamé lol J'ai l'impression de manger 6 fois par jour pour être rassasié et je ne sais pas si j'ai le budget pour maintenir que 😅 j'ai essayé certaines recettes que j'ai trouvées sur reddit ces derniers jours et que cela m'a un peu aidé. Mais j'ai besoin de quelque chose d'un peu plus peu d'entretien, rapide et remplissant. Quelqu'un peut-il me présenter quelques recommandations ? Tout aide🙏

Quelques bonnes recommandations ici

Mes meilleures idées sont

1. noix

2. et juste manger de plus grandes portions - vous devez manger un plus grand poids de nourriture en tant que végétalien car les produits d'origine animale sont denses en calories - vous pouvez manger plus de nourriture, c'est génial

3. Déplacez l'équilibre davantage vers le pain/riz/pommes de terre plutôt que vers les fruits/légumes/salades